separatists attacked by the chief over their hyperlinks with Azerbaijan | EUROtoday

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During a demonstration by the Kanak and Socialist National Liberation Front against the expansion of the electorate for the next provincial elections in New Caledonia, in Nouméa, April 13, 2024.

Azerbaijan, the brand new stone in France's sneakers abroad. In New Caledonia, Polynesia and Guyana, the separatists are accused by the federal government of giving in to the assist of the wealthy oil dictatorship of Ilham Aliev.

Among them, the Polynesian Tavini Huiraatira occasion, whose leaders have dominated the French Pacific territory since May 2023, signed, Tuesday, April 30, a memorandum with a company created by the Azerbaijani regime towards the “French colonialism”, the Baku Initiative Group. The press launch refers back to the settlement in imprecise phrases: “prospects for the development of future relations”of the “results in the direction of decolonization”.

Before the Law Committee of the National Assembly, Monday April 29, the Minister of the Interior and Overseas Territories, Gérald Darmanin, additionally denounced Azerbaijani hyperlinks in New Caledonia “with a few currents, a few pro-independence personalities”. On April 18, a letter of intent for sporting or cultural cooperation was signed between the Congress of New Caledonia, with a pro-independence majority, and the Azerbaijani Parliament. This non-concerted initiative, justified by the necessity to defend the trigger in worldwide our bodies, has been described as ” shame “ by loyalists in Nouméa. It aroused criticism inside the independence ranks themselves.

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“We have a tradition of foreign interference in New Caledoniacommented the Minister of the Interior. Coming from Australia and New Zealand [dans le passé]. Chinese, on economic issues and nickel. Opportunists [pour] Azerbaijan, whose interests in the South Pacific are not very clear and which is trying to use the Caledonian issue at the international level against France”ally of an Armenia hated by Baku.

Smear campaigns

The Kanak and Socialist National Liberation Front (FLNKS) maintains historic worldwide hyperlinks with former colonies, resembling Vietnam and Libya. Like him, different abroad separatists have lengthy since moved nearer to their European counterparts, such because the Catalans. And all of them attend, in lower than democratic nations like Venezuela, the regional seminars of the UN Special Committee on Decolonization. Mr. Darmanin offered France's place twice earlier than this committee, in New York, in May 2023 and in April 2024.

The communist deputy from Guyana Jean-Victor Castor, member of the Movement for Decolonization and Social Emancipation, was additionally criticized, on the finish of 2023, for having gone, all bills paid, to Baku, along with his colleague Martinican deputy Marcellin Nadeau, founding father of the Péyi-A motion. “I went to the assembly of non-aligned nations, to Azerbaijan then to Uganda. I'm completely snug with that.”, replies Mr. Castor. The Guyanese parliamentarian refers to Nelson Mandela to say: “Small peoples wouldn’t have the selection of weapons, nor of their alliances. »

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