France recorded “366 anti-Semitic incidents” within the first quarter of 2024, proclaims Gabriel Attal | EUROtoday

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French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal warned of a rise in anti-Semitic acts in France throughout the Crif dinner in Paris on Monday. He assured that “366 facts” have been reported within the first quarter of 2024, which represents “an increase of 300%” over one 12 months.

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France is experiencing an “anti-Semitic surge”, warns Prime Minister Gabriel Attal. He introduced, Monday May 6, that “366 anti-Semitic incidents” had been recorded in France within the first quarter of 2024, a rise of 300% in comparison with the primary three months of 2023.

“No one can deny this anti-Semitic surge. No one can deny the fact that it is estimated that French Jews represent 1% of the French population, but that more than 60% of anti-religious acts are anti-Semitic acts,” declared the chief of the federal government in a speech throughout the 38e dinner of the Crif (Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France) in Paris.

Faced with this improve, “not an act must go unpunished, not an anti-Semite must have peace of mind”, affirmed the Prime Minister, promising to “show exemplary firmness in each act”.

Read additionallyAlexandre Bande, historian: “Anti-Semitism is structurally anchored in French society”

Deploring that it’s not doable to know exactly the quantity and convictions for acts dedicated due to faith, he introduced that he had requested the Minister of Justice, Éric Dupond-Moretti, “to find the means to implement is carrying out a census of these cases and convictions throughout France.

Rebellious France and the National Rally singled out

“Islamism is a serious danger for our Republic and one of the most dangerous, most destructive faces of anti-Semitism,” he also affirmed, promising to “tackle Islamism and separatism head-on.” “.

The head of presidency additionally attacked rebellious France and its chief Jean-Luc Mélenchon, whom he accused of “stirring up hatred, committing the most outrageous innuendoes”.

“I have often felt ashamed lately (…). Shameful when listening to certain elected officials from France Insoumise talk about a resistance movement” concerning Hamas, he stated.

But he additionally criticized the National Rally, saying: “Let us not be fooled by the absolute cynicism of those who say they support the Jewish French out of an anti-Muslim reflex.”

A number of days after pro-Palestinian mobilizations within the pupil world, primarily at Sciences Po in Paris, Gabriel Attal lastly assured that “there will never be a right to blockade” as a result of “we will never accept that a manipulated minority claims make the law”.

With AFP