“Olaf Scholz’s attitude towards China is still somewhat naive” | EUROtoday

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HASAnton Hofreiter chairs the European Affairs Committee of the Bundestag. This 54-year-old Bavarian has been a member of the German Greens since 1986. The German ruling coalition frequently experiences tensions between its three parts (the Greens, Olaf Scholz's SPD and Christian Lindner's liberals). But the Franco-German tandem additionally experiences moments of uncertainty on main geopolitical questions. Anton Hofreiter was in Paris on Monday. We met him when the presence of President Xi Jinping, a number of hundred meters from the German embassy, ​​had introduced the Champs-Élysées roundabout to a standstill. In this interview, he makes a proposal to supply Europe with the means to defend itself in addition to Ukraine.

Point : The Chinese president…
