José Luis Lozano opens San Isidro: “Is Urtasun qualified to be Minister of Culture? The worst thing is that he does not represent anyone” | EUROtoday

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The Alcurrucn bulls which are to inaugurate the San Isidro honest this Friday are already in Las Ventas and have handed the primary recognition. Its breeder, José Luis Lozano, a businessman on this sq. for therefore a few years (1990-2004) and supervisor of nice figures, He additionally accumulates successes as a farmer in his noise. A palmares of flag bulls (Jabatillo, Malagueo, Licensed, Barberillo…), massive doorways (12) and nice duties and not using a sword which are set within the anthological job of Julio Aparicio in 1994. Only the trophy case of Victoriano del Ro will get over it.

Lozano, at 89, is knowledge incarnate, essentially the most repeated voice on the earth of bullfighting, he’s joyful in regards to the explosive spring of the countryside. He follows present occasions carefully. Not simply taurine. The cancellation of the National Bullfighting Award by the Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasunit doesn’t shock him, however it doesn’t stop to outrage him: “This man is irresponsible. Not only in this matter of bullfighting. You have to see what he has done in the museums. The question is: is he qualified to be a minister? That is The first thing to ask yourself is that we are already accustomed to these persecutions in bullfighting.”

The clever man from Alameda de la Sagra maintains that he has reacted nicely. The sector but in addition different political voices – “Page is very smart, Ayuso has been quick” – and the press, at the very least the one he reads: “It has served to become aware of the atrocity. He is the Minister of Culture, eh? Cry out to heaven to arbitrarily remove and place prizes. The worst thing is that they don't represent anyone.. You just have to look at how they are doing in the Catalan polls. That's why you also have to understand the play. “If we had an entry within the Plaza de Pontevedra with the votes that Yolanda Díaz garners in Galicia, it could be a destroy.”

José Luis Lozano highlights the growth of the public that the Fallas and Abril fairs have registered. But not only in the large fairs, since it focuses on the towns, “traditionally very dangerous squares the place there have been full, and full, and full. That has not occurred for a few years, in all probability for the reason that 90s. Look, that's what the Chenel Cup is doing nicely., open locations. Valdemoro, for instance, who posted there aren’t any payments. The tickets will likely be very low cost, however there are occasions when folks don't even go free of charge. The harm that Podemos and its companions did for years… We should not actually conscious. Mstoles, Ciempozuelos, Valmojado or Valdemoro closed. “Bullfights with bullfighting figures took place in the 90s.”

The rancher-businessman, oracle of bullfighting, remembers the left of one other period, with which he surrounded himself a lot. “As they had no prejudices then, they did a lot for the bull. Without complexes. They considered the festival a rebellious art.” I keep in mind the interview during which Lozano mirrored on different instances: “The left, until a quarter of an hour ago, was fascinated by bulls. I remember José Antonio Bardem, Bergamn, Manolo Tamames… Over time, in the 90s, we had an extraordinary gathering at the house of the painter Pepe Díaz, who lived above Café Gijn. A few of us got together: Ral del Pozo, Paco Umbral, Manolo Vicent, Mexico, Carrillo… Look, it's curious, they didn't talk about politics. I invited Carrillo to the bulls.” And he went.

This started with the good factor, the beginning of San Isidro with one of many two Alcurrucn bullfights introduced – Friday, May 10 and Thursday, May 30 – within the serial. “Let's see what happens. We are in a bad position. I don't like this coming out as an opening act. Also, with one peculiarity, that you take away the entire month of May from the bullwhen they do the most [se rematan]. April and May are the two best months, if you take one away in the preparation…”, says José Luis Lozano. Are there variations between the 2 bullfights? “They are very similar, the last one is more even. The cinqueos are distributed between the two. They say Morante is better. We'll see”

Alcurrucn: 12 Great Gates, 4 prizes for the very best bull and two tiles for the very best bullfight

Gonzalo I. Welcome

  • Julio Aparicio San Isidro 1994 I’m blind
  • Jose Toms San Isidro 1997 Corchito
  • July 1998 Cares (steer)
  • Csar Rincón San Isidro 2005 drummer
  • The Cid San Isidro Guitar
  • Rubn Pinar San Isidro Music
  • John the Baptist 2010 Grajito II y Barberito
  • Sebastin Castella San Isidro 2015 Jabatillo
  • David Mora San Isidro 2016 Malagueo
  • Gins Marn San Isidro 2017 Barberillo
  • Juan del lamo San Isidro 2017 Graduate and Bocineto (ear and ear)
  • Gins Marn Otoo 2021 Secretary