All Spanish universities will droop their relationship with Israeli campuses if they don’t reject the warfare in Gaza | EUROtoday

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Las 50 Spanish public universities 26 personal teams grouped within the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (Crue) have introduced that they’ll droop collaboration agreements with Israeli universities and analysis facilities if they don’t reject the warfare incursions which have occurred within the Gaza Strip. After the positions of the ministers Sira Regowho has used a slogan on a social community that requires eliminating Israel, and Pablo Bustinduywhich has written letters to Spanish corporations calling for a boycott, the rectors converse out politically.

In an announcement, the Governing Board of the Crue, which met this Thursday, has denounced these “very serious events” and has requested “the immediate and definitive cessation of the military operations of the Israeli army”, in addition to “of any action of terrorist character, and the release of people kidnapped by Hams“.

He has additionally threatened to “review and, where appropriate, suspend collaboration agreements with Israeli universities and research centers that have not expressed a firm commitment to peace and compliance with international humanitarian law.” At the identical time, it commits to “intensify cooperation with the Palestinian scientific and higher education system” and increase its “cooperation, volunteering and assistance programs for the refugee population.”

The Governing Board of the Crue, which in March 2022 broke relations with the Russian campuses in rejection of the warfare in Ukraine, calls for that “the State of Israel respect international law and allow the entry into Gaza of all humanitarian aid that it can.” be offered to cowl the emergency of its civilian inhabitants and that the corresponding measures be articulated by worldwide our bodies to undertake the reconstruction and restoration of the Palestinian territory as quickly as doable.”

“Free expression”

La Crue, directed by the rector of the Jame I University of CastellónEva Alcán, It also announces that they will “be certain that within the train of free expression, equally reprehensible habits of anti-Semitism or Islamophobia, in addition to every other hateful habits, doesn’t happen inside the college communities.”

The assertion emphasizes that “Spanish universities have already expressed and reaffirmed on a number of events their everlasting dedication to peace, coexistence and justice and to the protection of worldwide humanitarian regulation, which doesn’t forestall them from as soon as once more being deeply moved by the worsening of the battle and the painful penalties it’s having for the Palestinian inhabitants.

“We endorse the feeling of our campuses and the demand that is spreading from them so that, from different instances, measures are adopted to stop the escalation of violence that is occurring,” he provides.

The rectors reply on this strategy to the scholars of universities of Valencian Community, Basque Country, Navarra, Arachn, Catalonia o Madridwho’ve arrange camps for Palestine by which they demand to interrupt with Israel.


This Tuesday, the cloister of the University of Barcelona authorized to undergo the federal government crew and the Governing Council of the middle a movement of help for Palestine offered by a gaggle of 45 members of the school itself. By 59 votes in favor, 23 in opposition to and 37 abstentions, an announcement was handed that actually says that “Israel practices genocide on the Palestinian population” and for 75 years “it has applied a policy of employment and apartheid on the territory and population.” Palestine”, while “systematically violating worldwide regulation”.

In this statement, the UB faculty agreed to demand that the Governing Council suspend all institutional or academic relations with universities, research institutes, companies and other Israeli institutions as a mechanism of pressure on the State of Israel, as well as to demand that the central government and the Generalitat to break with the Israeli Government.

Also the cloister of the University of Valenciawhere the student camps began, approved on February 22, by 153 votes in favor, 33 abstentions and no votes against, an institutional declaration demanding the agreement of a ceasefire in Gaza, the release of all the hostages and the beginning of a peace process.

Harassment of Jewish university students

The Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain (FCJE) has warned of “the necessity for all establishments and folks with public accountability to utilize stated accountability to take care of respect and social peace.” He has warned that these types of statements “encourage anti-Semitism, which has skyrocketed” in Spain since October 7, when the Hamas terrorist attack occurred in southern Israel that left 1,200 dead and several hundred hostages, of which there are still more than a hundred in the hands of terrorists.

“Since then, Spanish Jews have acquired assaults in our houses, properties, group facilities, insults, threats and intimidation. Jewish college college students are being insulted, struggling harassment and even having somebody spit of their face. “A few days ago, a Jewish woman was attacked in the middle of the street in Madrid for being Jewish. Our schools are guarded by the police and the Jewish faithful go to the synagogues under police guard, which in a democratic country is, to say the least, an anomaly.” , says the FCJE.