Nigel Farage slams Natalie Elphicke’s ‘utter garbage’ and suggests actual cause she stop | Politics | News | EUROtoday

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Nigel Farage has slammed Natalie Elphicke’s “complete and utter rubbish” reasons for quitting the Conservatives.

The Reform UK Honorary President suggested Ms Elphicke will be given a seat in the House of Lords for inflicting another blow on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Ms Elphicke crossed the floor in the Commons just moments before PMQs and sat behind Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, who hailed her defection as another indication of how he had changed the Labour Party.

She said the “key deciding factors” in her defection have been housing points and “the safety and security of our borders”.

But Mr Farage mentioned: “So what’s going on here? Well, if you go back to the last years of the Major government, there were defections; Conservative MPs joining the Labour Party.

“Do you know something? Every single one of them got looked after. Yep: They all went to the House of Lords and I’d be very surprised if Poulter and Elphicke didn’t go to the House of Lords.

“Whether she thinks Keir Starmer can give her some kind of broader protection, I just don’t know but I think this really raises a lot more questions than it answers.

“I wouldn’t be surprised to see quite a few more defections to the Labour Party, especially in seats where it appears the Conservatives are doomed, but this really is a funny one.

“And at the heart of it, as I say, is a criticism of the Labour Party for its approach to small boats, let alone to legal migration.”

The feedback are available in stark distinction to an article the Dover MP wrote within the Daily Express a yr in the past warning Labour can’t be trusted on immigration and calling the occasion chief “Sir Softie”.

Ms Elphicke is standing down on the basic election and denied that she had been supplied a peerage by Labour.

Mr Farage added: “The native MP, Natalie Elphicke, has been deeply crucial of the very fact she would not suppose Labour actually has a plan to take care of the boats downside in any approach in any respect.

“I feel she’s additionally fairly sceptical in regards to the Conservative’s plan. She could be very, very a lot on the appropriate wing of the occasion and I can let you know, having spoken to native individuals, that the native Labour occasion completely hates her.

“So how weird that Prime Minister’s questions began at noon and there was Natalie Elphicke, sitting within the row behind Keir Starmer. No one fairly knew actually what was occurring.

“But in a while, after PMQs in an interview, she gave her causes for now becoming a member of the Labour Party.

“She is against just about all the things that Labour stands for and has been for all of her comparatively brief time in Parliament.