New rains put southern Brazil in a crucial scenario: “Practically all rivers are in flood” | EUROtoday

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The flood nightmare is way from having begun to subside within the on Brasil. On the opposite, the whole lot signifies that within the coming days the scenario will worsen and have an effect on extra folks than the 619,000 displaced Until now.

The degree of Guaba lake, in Porto Alegre, the capital of the state of Ro Grande do Sul, It has been rising quickly since early Monday morning. I’ve already exceeded 5 meters and It is predicted to succeed in 5.5, an unprecedented document. The lake's alert degree is 2.5 meters, lengthy exceeded.

In the final 30 hours, near 100 millimeters of rain within the cities of the mountain area of the State. “Virtually all of the state's large rivers show a flooding trend, with rapid rises to severe flood levels in the river basins.” ros Ca y Taquari”, said the state government.

Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost state of the South American giant, is an apocalyptic scenario. Flooded, the Porto Alegre airport was closed, while the streets of the city are rivers of brown water. Beyond what is happening in the capital, there are towns in Ro Grande do Sul that were completely devastated by the waters and must be relocated.

In addition to record rainfall, the state is expected to experience strong winds of up to 50 kilometers per hour this time, and although The rains will calm down on Wednesday, According to the regional meteorological service, the cold intensifies at the end of the southern autumn.

Eduardo Leite, governor of the State, He asked his displaced fellow citizens not to try to return to their homes, because the areas already affected are once again the most at risk.

“This is just not the time to be in threat areas. We have to guard folks. We should additionally keep away from hillside areas at the moment, as a result of the bottom is soaked and the dangers of landslides are actual, particularly within the Serra Gacha and the Vales area”, Leite stated.

Volunteers load mattresses to take to Gua

Volunteers carry mattresses for flood victims.ANSELMO CUNHAAFP

As of Sunday, the floods had left 145 dead, 132 missing and 806 injured, according to the Civil defense of Rio Grande do Sul. More than two million people have been affected in 447 municipalities, 538,000 of whom have had to leave their homes and 81,000 remain in shelters. According to the Corsan water company, 191,000 customers are without water supply in 18 cities. The electric companies CEEE Equatorial y RGE They have left 281,000 people without electricity. In some cases the electricity has been cut off for safety reasons, highlights Newspaper.

In view of the necessary reconstruction once the floods have been overcome, the State government believes that it will need 30,000 million reais (about 5,400 million euros) to relocate three cities affected by the floods: Southern Cruzeiro, Rock Salts and Muum.

All three, with a population of between 5,000 and 10,000 inhabitants, are located on the banks of the Taquari River, one of the most affected by the heavy rains. At least part of the population of these municipalities will have to be moved to higher ground to avoid future tragedies.

While the government prepares the distribution of subsidies for 5,000 reais (about 900 euros) so that those affected can buy furniture and appliances rendered useless by the water, the president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva decided to cancel the state visit what is planned this week Chile.