The kilometers from Madrid to Murcia or the burden of 11 dairy cows: CEOE denounces the regulatory extra of 2023 | EUROtoday

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Espaa produced in 2023 a complete of 1.27 million pages of laws revealed in official bulletins -both the BOE and people on the regional level-, which is equal in weight to 11 dairy cows, roughly 6,370 kilos, and which might enable us to beat the 378 kilometers that separate Madrid from Murcia if all of the pages have been positioned one behind from one other forming a path.

They are examples devised by the CEOE to attract consideration to the hyperregulation that our nation suffers and what generates authorized uncertainty in firms. They additionally say {that a} tower with all these pages would attain the peak of the Sagrada Familia, 127 meters, and that with that variety of pages you might print 850 copies of The Quijote. “To be fully up to date with legislative updates, u“An individual would want to examine 3,500 pages a day.”lament.

Normative abundance does not come solely from state central, but the employers also point out to the communities autonomous and European Union.

He state approved in 2023 a total of 683 standardsless than those approved in previous years (there were 850 in 2022, 856 in 2021 and 798 in 2020), but many if one takes into account that the Government was in office for five months. “2023 is positioned because the sixth 12 months with the best state regulatory manufacturing within the final decade, with about two legislative developments a day”, they point out. In fact, last year 113 regulations were approved per business month, compared to 70 the previous year.

Within these, the proportion of standards approved by Royal decree law (a figure preserved for matters of urgent need) until assuming the 32%, five points more than in 2022 (when they were 27%), but much less than the proportion of the 2016-2020 period (with the last Government of Mariano Rajoy and just after Pedro Sánchez arrived at the Moncloa). In those years, seven of each ten norms were royal decrees laws.

Catalonia, the one that regulates the most

The autonomous communities, for their part, approved 291 regulations, and their official bulletins accumulated 1.03 million pages, the second highest figure in the last eleven years. “They are accountable for 80% of the pages revealed in official bulletins, which considerably impacts the market unit Yet the authorized safetyas has already been identified in earlier experiences”, they collect.

Catalonia was the community with the most normative production by eighth consecutivealmost tripling the annual average of published pages, followed by Andaluca, the Community of Madrid, Castilla y León and the Valencian Community.

Finally, the organization he presides Antonio Garamendi focuses on the 2,180 legal acts approved by the European Parliament and the EU Council: 1,099 regulations, 21 directives and 1,060 decisions. They are less than those approved in 2022, but more than those of the previous six years.

The EU should not enter an uncontrolled spiral of latest laws (…) Companies require extra, not much less, competitors. “Any additional regulation must be accompanied by the guarantee that commercial activity and investment is facilitated throughout the EU without exceptions,” the report states, echoing an evaluation revealed by the European employers' affiliation Business Europe.

His lament joins that of many businessmen, economists and consultants who examine European regulation with the United States they usually ask for a moderation of normative manufacturing.