The Poor Clare nuns of Belorado complain that they’re referred to as “heretics and crazy” for recognizing Pablo de Rojas as their pontiff | EUROtoday

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The vicar for Consecrated Life of the Diocese of Vitoria, Manuel Gómez Tavira, has assured that behind what occurred with the Poor Clare nuns of Belorado (Burgos) and Ordua (Vizcaya) there are each financial pursuits and the intention of the abbess, Sister Isabel. , to “perpetuate in power” for which has “deceived” the remainder of the sisters.

Gómez Tavira has referred to the intention of those nuns to interrupt with the Catholic Church attributable to a disagreement over the sale of a convent in Derio (Vizcaya) that the nuns supposed to promote to purchase the monastery of Ordua, in statements to Radio Euskadi collected by Efe.

He has denied that the so-called Pa Unin Sancti Pauli Apostoli, led by Pablo de Rojas Sánchez-Francobeneath whose tutelage the nuns have introduced that they need to be after leaving the Catholic Church, is a schism.

“It is classified as a sect, it is not a schism. In their networks they ask for continuous donations. They do not have many followers and it is a small thing of “a person from a well-to-do household who has some huge cash.”Gmez Tavira has made clear.

They have acknowledged that they are not aware of cases similar to that of the Poor Clares congregation and that this “It wouldn't be something greater than a Netflix cleaning soap opera if there weren't fifteen nuns”who in his opinion, “are deceived” by the abbess, Sister Isabel, of whom he has said that “she has been making an attempt to perpetuate herself in energy for a while when she is now finishing her twelve-year time period as a result of she will be able to't keep any longer.”

“He has them fooled as if this had been a persecution. It is a lie that the Archbishop of Burgos doesn’t let him promote. There are many lies that Mother Isabel tells the sisters, who imagine it as the best reality on the earth, “she has settled.

In this sense, he explained that the Poor Clares of Belorado and Ordua have not followed the established procedure to sell the convent of Derio (Vizcaya), which establishes that if an operation is to be carried out with assets of the diocese that exceed a certain price, Permission must be requested from Rome and the Bishopric of the corresponding religious jurisdiction, in this case that of Bilbao, a procedure that has been assured that has not been done.

“Behind all this there are solely financial and energy pursuits. This has given public notoriety to a person (Pablo de Rojas Sánchez-Franco) whom nobody knew till yesterday,” he concluded.

The sisters reply

Las Poor Clare nuns have assured “not being kidnapped” away from their families and have transferred their desire to “be devoted to the reality of Christ” that they have received, to “constancy to the religion and to the Catholic doctrine”, while explaining that They don't leave the Churchso they will explain their situation as time progresses.

This is what the nuns have expressed through a video posted on your profile social media official, in which they have stressed that they intend to express themselves in relation to the “considerations” that have arisen and that have reached them, although they have emphasized that they are “wonderful.” For this reason, the Poor Clares of Belorado have asked “persistence” to all those who are concerned and have announced that they will make known everything they have “found” to “deny” information.

The Poor Clares of Belorado and Ordua announced last Monday in a statement that they were leaving the Church of Rome due to the “persecution” they suffered and that “has put wheels” to your community.

In the statement, signed by the mother abbess Sr. Elizabeth of the Trinityin the name of all the religious, belonging to the Order of Poor Sisters of Saint Clarethey accused Rome of not wanting to grant them a “license to promote the convent of Derio and of not permitting them to “comply with the payments” of the Monastery of Ordua and to terminate the gross sales contract “without prior notice” after three years.

In addition to the message, the sisters have despatched an in depth Catholic Manifesto during which they agree that the final Sumo Pontficelegitimate was Night XII. They had been additionally totally conscious of the seriousness of their statements. “They are going to call heretics and schismatics, crazy and many other things, very slanderous and unpleasant. Don't believe them, at least this time, don't let them fool you,” they mentioned.

The mayor hopes for 'peace'

The mayor of the Burgos city of Belorado, lvaro Eguiluzhas acknowledged that I’ve no information of the state of affairs of the convent till final Sunday night time, till the assertion from the Poor Clare nuns was made public, however he hopes that “everything returns to its normal course.”

Eguiluz doesn’t know if the so-called Bishop Pablo de Rojasfounding father of the Pa Union, beneath whose tutelage the Poor Clare nuns of Belorado have positioned themselves, It is situated contained in the Monastery in addition to the “supposed” priest and spokesperson for the nuns, Don José.

From the City Council they’re ready since it’s “a matter of the church”, however they want and hope “that everything returns to its normal course”, and that each Beliforanos, vacationers and pilgrims “they can enjoy the monastery again”.

The residents of Belorado, who had been celebrating the San Isidro competition right this moment, “are expectant and surprised”, nobody might have imagined this example, and moreover, they’re ready to see how that is resolved, Eguiluz said.