Plaid Cymru withdraw from Welsh Labour partnership | EUROtoday

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Jeremy Hunt went on to take goal about Labour over welfare and tax.

“Conservatives know that if businesses are going to find the workers they need without depending on unlimited migration we need to move people off welfare into work.”

Mr Hunt mentioned Mel Stride’s welfare reforms would transfer a million folks from advantages and into employment to the tune of £2.5bn.

“The quiet revolution of ‘those who can work, do work’, and we give help where it’s needed. Labour doesn’t want to talk about these decisions because they will duck them. But Conservatives know it is simply not possible to grow the economy without a plan for where additional workers will come from and we have that plan.”

The Chancellor added: “In her Mais Lecture, the shadow chancellor spoke for an hour, 8,500 words. Not once did she mention reducing the tax burden. But Conservatives look around the world. We notice that the lower-taxed economies of North America and Asia generally grow faster than the higher-taxed economies of Europe.

“Labour like to criticise recent tax rises, thinking people don’t know what caused them, the furlough scheme, the energy price guarantee and cost of living support. But Labour supported those politics, which is why it is playground politics to distract debate from the biggest divide in British politics today, what happens to the tax burden next… Conservatives realise while those tax rises may have been necessary, they should not be permanent. Labour do not.”