The Court of Auditors factors to five.5 billion euros of errors within the household department of Social Security | EUROtoday

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The Court of Auditors as soon as once more pinpointed the accounts of the household department of Social Security on Friday, estimating at 5.5 billion euros “the amount of errors not corrected by internal control actions”. “5.5 billion euros in undue payments but also in benefits wrongly not paid were noted at the end of 2023, which will never be regularized”underlined the Court in a press launch.

“Errors linked to data taken into account to pay benefits” symbolize “7.4% of the amount of benefits”, notes the Court in its annual report on the accounts of the overall Social Security system. They concern particularly the RSA, the exercise bonus and housing help. “In particular, a quarter of the amounts paid under the RSA are tainted by errors”she emphasizes.

She subsequently declares herself “unable to certify” the accounts of the National Family Allowance Fund (CNAF) for 2023. Last 12 months, the Court was much more extreme, “refusing to certify” the accounts for the 2022 monetary 12 months, on account of a “amount much too high” of errors, of 5.8 billion euros.

Read additionally: Article reserved for our subscribers The Court of Auditors warns of the deterioration of Social Security accounts

An error detection drawback

She “recognizes the efforts made by the CNAF” final 12 months, however “amount of uncorrected errors” keep “always high”. “The network's error detection capacity remains much lower than the risk induced by the insufficient reliability of the data declared by beneficiaries”she emphasizes.

“The CNAF asks beneficiaries to declare their resources quarterly, and there are many errors by beneficiaries in these declarations, in particular for the activity bonus”we argue on the CNAF.

The institution of the “solidarity at the source”from the tip of 2024, ought to make it attainable to “significantly reduce the risk” of errors, Nicolas Grivel, its common director, defined to Agence France-Presse, because the declarations can be pre-filled.

The household department carried out a fraud evaluation in 2023, because it does each two years. According to the Court of Auditors, potential fraud “represents 4.9% of legal benefits paid” by the CNAF, or 3.90 billion euros, up 39% in comparison with the earlier evaluation in 2021. “The RSA, the activity bonus, and housing assistance” are the “services most susceptible to fraud”she notes.

Read additionally | Article reserved for our subscribers Social fraud primarily impacts the household department and Health Insurance

The Court has “certified with reservation” the 2023 accounts of the opposite branches of Social Security. Health Insurance has prolonged its strategy to estimating fraud (particularly to dentists and specialist medical doctors), which resulted in a spread between 1.4 and 1.9 billion over a scope masking lower than a 3rd of its bills, in line with the Court.

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