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Xi: «Peace convention if acknowledged by Moscow and Kiev»

China has a “coherent position” to advertise the political resolution of the Ukraine situation, which requires analyzing “symptoms” and “root causes”, and “long-term present and future” planning. President Xi Jinping, in yesterday's confidential assembly along with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin at Beijing's Zhongnanhai, the citadel of the pink elite a stone's throw from Tiananmen Square, stated that China “supports the convening of a peace conference international recognition by Russia and Ukraine at the appropriate time with equal participation and fair discussion of all options.”

Xi famous that solely with the involvement of all events will he be capable of “push for the rapid political solution of the Ukrainian issue, and China is ready to continue to play a constructive role in this regard.” The Chinese chief, within the report given in the course of the evening by the state company Xinhua, then relaunched his Global Security Initiative (GSI), the first core of which “is to support the vision of common, global, cooperative and sustainable security” , when “the fundamental solution to the Ukrainian issue is to promote the creation of a new balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture”. Xi's assessments appear to definitively put aside the likelihood that the mid-June convention in Switzerland on the Ukrainian peace plan might take off, with Russia having instantly excluded its participation. Putin, for his half, introduced Moscow's views and positions and appreciated “China's objective, fair and balanced position on the Ukrainian issue, welcoming” its willingness “to continue to play an important role and constructive” for the political solution. Russia aims for the solution “by political negotiations and is prepared to exhibit sincerity and preserve shut communication with China on this regard.” The meeting, a face-to-face meeting supported by the assistance of the respective interpreters with a walk in the gardens, saw Xi reiterate, in the face of the turbulent and constantly evolving global panorama, his desire to collaborate with Russia and other countries “to strengthen solidarity and cooperation, information international governance in the precise route, collectively safeguard worldwide fairness and justice and promote world peace and customary improvement”. Stressing that China's development “is unstoppable and that no power can include its development and progress, Putin stated that Russia is prepared to reinforce cooperation with China and different international locations of the Global South to advertise fairness and worldwide justice and to work for a extra equitable and multipolar world,” Xinhua added.
