Milei arrives in Madrid with a fierce assault on the left: “We are making the red people uncomfortable all over the world” | EUROtoday

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The Argentine president, Javier Milei, appeared this Friday in Spain with a category on liberal libertarian economics stuffed with figures, technical knowledge and references to the day-to-day lifetime of his nation. A speech at instances astonishing, in some passages tough for the viewers to grasp, however with moments that generated laughter, applause and even euphoria, particularly when he referred to what he defines as “the left-hander”, a “satanic and carcinogenic enemy.” “.

“Taxes are theft, a confiscation,” said Milei, before ensuring that “progressives are a machine for producing poor individuals.” Listening to him in the front row was the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, and Esperanza Aguirre, former president of the Community of Madrid. The Argentine head of state, before starting the event, stood up expressly to greet Abascal, and then. During the colloquium, he showered him with praise and explained why on Sunday he would be at the Vista Alegre rally: “One has to have reminiscence and gratitude. When I used to be a despicable being that nobody liked me, the one one who hugged me was Santiago Abascal “It was a moral imperative, but he is also a friend and a great person.”

Milei started his three-day go to to Spain with a gathering within the newspaper auditorium The Reason to current your e book The path of the libertarian (Deusto, 2024). Already within the sixth month of his authorities, the chief of the third largest economic system in Latin America didn’t spare any limits for the targets he introduced: “We are sending nearly a thousand structural reforms in two weeks. They will take more or less, but they will leave. And 3,000 more reforms are coming. So that Argentina ends up being the country with the greatest economic freedom in the world and in 35 or 40 years it will be one of the main world powers, as it was at the end of the 19th century.

With frequent jokes and colorful comments, Milei ironized the fact that he, as “the primary liberal libertarian president in historical past,” is “in a rustic of lefties,” and explained how to win the “cultural battle” for the left. : “Power is a zero-sum sport, if left-handed individuals have it, we don't have it. The most cancers of society is socialism, the enemies are left-handed individuals. Let's not let the darkish, black, atrocious, satanic, carcinogenic aspect that it’s socialism wins us”.

On an afternoon with tight security measures that led the organizers to confine the press in a distant room in front of a television, none of Milei's interlocutors asked him about the fact that he was visiting Spain without making contact with local authorities and with the President of the government, Pedro Sánchez. Two weeks ago, the Argentine president was involved in a high-voltage diplomatic incident when he was insulted by the Minister of Transportation, Oscar Puente. The Argentine government reacted by saying that Sánchez is leading Spain to dissolution.

“We are bothering the reds all around the world,” said a smiling Milei, who responded with an “completely” when asked if his promise to close the Central Bank still stands. And he went further: “We are going to ship a regulation that makes issuing cash against the law. The president of the Central Bank, the Minister of Economy, the President of the Nation and all of the deputies and senators who’ve authorized that regulation are going to be imprisoned.” law”.