Archbishop of Canterbury criticises two-child profit cap as ‘cruel’ | EUROtoday

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The Archbishop of Canterbury has slammed the two-child profit cap as “cruel” and urged prime minister Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer to decide to scrapping it.

Justin Welby stated the restrict, which restricts little one profit entitlement to 2 youngsters per family, was neither “moral nor necessary” and it fell wanting “our values as a society”.

The prime minister has pledged to maintain the coverage if the Tories stay in energy and Sir Keir has to date resisted calls to do away with it.

“The two-child limit falls short of our values as a society. It denies the truth that all children are of equal and immeasurable worth, and will have an impact on their long-term health, wellbeing and educational outcomes,” the Archbishop informed The Observer.

“This cruel policy is neither moral nor necessary. We are a country that can and should provide for those most in need, following the example of Jesus Christ, who served the poorest in society.”

Sir Keir stated tackling little one poverty was ‘central’ to a Labour authorities however has to date resisted calls to scrap the coverage (Victoria Jones/PA Wire)

Sir Keir was challenged on his place over the coverage, launched in 2017, when he launched his plan for Labour’s “first steps” in workplace on Thursday.

He stated tackling little one poverty was “central to an incoming Labour government” however “what I can’t do is make promises that I can’t deliver on”.

It comes as former Labour prime minister Gordon Brown lashed out on the “inequities” of the coverage and stated it “should be scrapped” earlier than the following normal election.

Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Mr Brown stated the two-child profit cap which Labour is dedicated to is “condemning children to poverty”.

Former Labour prime minister Gordon Brown stated the two-child profit cap was ‘condemning children to poverty’ (PA Wire)

He stated: “The tragedy is we are now writing the future history of our country by neglecting children who we have condemned to poverty and not being able to have a decent start in life who are going to fail in the future.”

Mr Brown defined that your complete household, not simply the third or fourth little one, is affected by the two-child restrict, with the common household being left £60 worse off every week.

“A family on low pay or a family that is struggling cannot afford to lose £60 a week. I think we have got to rethink that,” he stated.

“Just remember that poverty went up by about 600,000 in the last few years. It is going to continue to grow if we don’t do something about these problems.”