Bernard Guetta, left-wing guarantor of the Macron camp | EUROtoday

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Bernard Guetta, MEP from the Renew group in Calais (Pas-de-Calais), during a distribution of leaflets near the market, May 18, 2024.

” Read it ? Not even in dreams ! », retorts a passerby to Bernard Guetta, who implores him to take a look at the leaflet he hands him. Saturday May 18 in the morning, number two on the list of the presidential majority for the European elections on June 9 is campaigning by taking part in the distribution of leaflets on the Calais market (Pas-de-Calais). A first for the outgoing MEP, who withdrew from the exercise in 2019. His last campaign dates back to his high school years, at the end of the 1960s, when with comrades from the Revolutionary Communist Youth, he campaigned against the war from Vietnam.

Fifty years later, here he is in the street defending Emmanuel Macron's policies in front of a young woman, a volunteer with Secours catholique, which helps migrants. “Your record is dramatic as an MEP for exiled people, particularly here in Calais where there have been 22 deaths this year”, she criticizes him.

Then, it was a listener of France Inter – where he wrote a geopolitical column for twenty-seven years, from 1991 to 2018 – who recognized him: “Mr. Guetta!” I who listened to you with so much admiration for so many years… And all this to realize that in fact, you are on the right! » “Why do you say I’m right-wing? », tries the former public service journalist. His interlocutor points to the face of Emmanuel Macron on the leaflet he is holding in his hand. “You’re not going to make me believe that he’s not right-wing!” We voted for him to block the National Rally. And since then, he has only spit in our faces! » There sixty-year-old disappears in a burst of anger, tearing up the program which he nevertheless tries to give to him.

“He’s our own Glucksmann”

“These people are far-left activists”, seeks to minimize the departmental councilor of Pas-de-Calais and former Minister of Health, Brigitte Bourguignon, who accompanies him for the morning. Mr. Guetta wonders about “the psychic mechanism which leads us to find someone responsible for all the misfortunes of the world”, in this case Emmanuel Macron.

The public meeting of the Renew group at the Paul-Caron municipal hall in Calais (Pas-de-Calais) with Brigitte Bourguignon, François Decoster, Bernard Guetta, Arnaud Michel, May 18, 2024.

But it’s not solely on the markets that these disenchanted with macronism are recruiting in droves. We even discover them inside Bernard Guetta's first political circle. In current months, MEP Renew has seen his good pal Daniel Cohn-Bendit break with the macronie. “Bernard [Guetta] is satisfied that he’s nonetheless doing necessary work the place he’s, declared Mr. Cohn-Bendit at World. I consider that France wants an ecological and socialist perspective during which Raphaël Glucksmann participates. »

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