Sánchez calls on firms to mobilize in opposition to populism | National and worldwide economic system | EUROtoday

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The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has requested firms to mobilize in opposition to populism within the midst of controversy over the statements of the Argentine president, Javier Milei. The head of the Executive has made this enchantment on the similar time that the president of the employers' affiliation, Antonio Garamendi, has flatly rejected Milei's statements during which he referred to as Begoña Gómez, Sánchez's spouse, “corrupt.”

“Whoever spoke yesterday did not do so on behalf of the great Argentine people. On the other hand, it does speak of the risks that this far-right international poses for societies like ours, which support their democracy on the pillars of economic progress, social justice and coexistence,” Sánchez said at the CREO economic forum, organized by the diary Five days. And he added that “defending Spanish institutions from insults and defamations that foreign leaders may make does not understand ifs and buts, because beyond ideology are education and patriotism.” “To say, as Abascal has said, that a legitimate Government must be kicked out and kicked out is antidemocratic,” he confused, whereas recalling that Spain and Argentina are two “brother countries.”

The president has warned about the threats surrounding the European and Spanish social model, which has provided a period of unprecedented prosperity: “We have heard them denying the very essence of social justice, a model that the great European political families assumed. A few days ago, 30 large German business consortiums mobilized against the vote for the extreme right and the rhetoric of racist and extremist groups. I believe this was a brave decision, in line with the important challenges facing our continent.”

Sánchez already asked the business world at the last forum in Davos (Switzerland) to take a step forward in defense of democracy and the humanist values ​​that have allowed us to forge the best Europe. “Today I reiterate that request, let us defend our model of well-being that Europe embodies against the retreat of the reactionaries,” he stated. Quoting the president of the Economic and Social Council, Antón Costas, he has declared that social dialogue and the search for agreement for the progress of societies is more necessary than ever. “This motto will continue to drive the Government of Spain,” he concluded.

On the other hand, Sánchez has highlighted that there are no longer downward revisions to growth because there is a conflict in Catalonia, as happened in 2017 and 2018. Six years have passed and now the revisions are upward, he stressed. What's more: the president recalled that, after the Catalan elections, a report from the Moody's agency maintains that the fall of the independence movement has reduced the risks for the Spanish economy. “Spain today is more united and more prosperous than in 2018,” he assured.

Furthermore, the president has insisted that six years ago the consequences of “a wrong and antisocial response to the economic crisis” were still being suffered, in which imposed reforms were adopted, without agreements with the social agents or the affected sectors. In his opinion, an inequality gap was opened caused by three imposed reforms: labor, educational and pension reforms. In terms of work, Sánchez has said that “salary devaluation and precariousness were imposed, especially among young people.” In this sense, he recalled the words of the then Minister of Economy of the PP, Luis de Guindos, who said that the labor reform would be very aggressive. The president has stressed that these policies contrast with the response that has been given during the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. In the previous crisis it took twelve years to recover; Now “18 months have been enough to recover all the employment lost due to confinement,” he said.

Sánchez has argued that each reform of the PP was responded to with legislative changes made through agreements, and that is leading to the good economic growth and employment data despite the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. The president has shown off the 21.3 million members, 1.7 million more than before covid. In addition, he has boasted about the increase in permanent hiring, with 3.5 million more permanent employees since the approval of the labor reform. And, as he recalled, the OECD has already confirmed that real family income has recovered pre-coronavirus levels.

He then continued with the listing of positive data: the minimum wage is 54% higher than in 2018; the average pension is 34% higher; the school dropout rate has fallen four points; The percentage of temporary employment has fallen twelve points, and investment in R&D has doubled. Now four out of every ten jobs generated in Europe are created in Spain. And, as he explained, this is being compatible with a path of fiscal consolidation that is reducing public debt. “Far from the catastrophic discourse, Spain is more united and creates more jobs,” she stated. Behind these figures, Sánchez pointed out, is, for example, the labor reform. And he has described raising the SMI or creating the minimum vital income as “brave decisions.”

Sánchez's intervention has also highlighted the impact that European funds will have on training, digitalization or the energy transition. In the president's opinion, this commitment by the EU represents “a radical challenge to the way in which the 2008 crisis was tackled.” “I myself negotiated these resources with Merkel,” he commented. Furthermore, he has indicated that the strategic projects baptized as PERTE will allow the country to be reindustrialized, even reaching unjustly ignored territories such as Extremadura or Andalusia.

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