Catalan photographer Toni Espadas dies within the assault on a tv crew in Ethiopia | EUROtoday

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The Chilean channel Teletrece confirmed this Monday the demise of the Catalan photographer and vacationer information Toni Swords (Barcelona, ​​1969), member of this system crew Partners world wide, who was “the victim of a complex incident while if they met pregnant in Ethiopian, Africa,” the community mentioned in a press release.

“As Canal 13 We deeply regret Toni's death, and from afar, we send his family all our support,” the notice added.

The crew was recording the Murci tribe, in Ethiopia, when its members have been victims of an assault wherein Espadas died. Two armed people crossed in entrance of the truck wherein the crew was touring and once they averted them, they they shot them, informa Europa Press.

Teletrece contacted the crew in Ethiopia they usually reported that they weren’t attacked by the tribe they have been visiting, the channel famous, however that The assault “was recorded once they were retreating of the area, after having finished the day, on the way back.

“The hosts and all of the members of the crew of this system made by the manufacturing firm MkZeta, “They are in good health,” the assertion famous.

Toni Espadas was a part of the crew led by the famend Chilean journalist Francisco “Pancho” Saavedra and the actor, additionally Chilean, Jorge Zabaleta, presenters of “Socios por el Mundo”, a program to “discover new and distant cultures, reveal exotic and beautiful landscapes, and live great adventures”, in line with the channel on its web site, and of which they started recording the third season in the beginning of April.

Falling in love with an Ethiopian

Toni Espadas was a widely known Spanish photographer, Africa skilled. In truth, I based Rift Valley Expeditions, an organization of specialists and journey advisors to the continent, the place it landed for the primary time 25 years in the past.

On her personal web site, Toni introduces herself like this: “I started at a very young age with two of my great passions: traveling and photography. These hobbies embark me on a first African adventure Ration Pass (Mali) That awakens in me a very intense interest in learning about other cultures. “That want to find different peoples took me years later to Ethiopia, a rustic that will mark my life ceaselessly.”

“In 2010 I made a decision open my first company in Ethiopia, nation that has welcomed me, to arrange journeys with the purpose of displaying what captivates me a lot. First was the previous Abyssinia, the move of the Queen of Sheba, to focus in a while Uganda, Tanzania, Gabon, Eritrea, Benn, Angola, South Sudan, etctera”.

Both the Foreign Minister of Chile as Channel 13 “are taking all of the steps in order that they will go away the nation as quickly as doable, return to Chile and provides all of them the help they require,” the assertion closed.