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“We need a European climate ISF”, affirms Marie Toussaint; Valérie Hayer defends a tax on the ultra-rich on a global scale

“We need an investment plan to protect the climate, to protect biodiversity, to protect health, to get away from these toxic products and get into science. Just to decarbonize the economy, we need 260 billion euros of additional public money per year”argued the top of the environmentalist checklist questioned about European ISF.

To do that“we need to free up resources”by redirecting “subsidies that harm the climate, biodiversity », by returning to the budgetary austerity pact, and “we need a climate ISF” European truthful. According to Marie Toussaint, this “means that, to finance the preservation of our common future, we are not going to take money from the French man or woman who takes their Twingo to go to work, but we are going to get this money from the 0.5%. of the richest Europeans. This could allow us to glean “between 210 and 270 billion euros per year”she stated.

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Questioned concerning the precept of a doable European ISF, the top of the presidential camp's checklist, Valérie Hayer, initially dodged the topic earlier than transferring ahead, just like the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, and even Emmanuel Macron in latest months, that the European scale shouldn’t be the fitting one: “I am in favor of involving the ultra-rich, obviously, but I want it to be on the right scale. The ultra-rich, I want them to stay in Europe and therefore I think that the right scale is the discussion on an international scale, as we did on a minimum corporate tax. »

“We tried on a European scale to put in place a minimum corporate tax and taxation of digital giants, but we were blocked with the rule of unanimity. We took the subject to the international scale with the rule of consensus”she argued.
