SNCF gives a most bonus of 1,900 euros to railway staff | EUROtoday

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EIs this the value of social peace? A day by day bonus of 95 euros gross for railway staff who will work in the course of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, with a ceiling of 1,900 euros: that is the proposal from SNCF administration submitted to the unions on Wednesday, the day after a well-attended strike in Île-de-France.

The draft settlement, the adoption of which is essential to keep away from a social battle in the course of the interval of the Olympics when 10 million spectators are anticipated on the trains, is “open for signature by trade union organizations until Tuesday June 4”, introduced the administration

“The proposed compensation is 95 euros per day worked during the sporting events for the 50,000 railway workers mobilized throughout the territory, whatever the profession”, in line with the SNCF press launch. The cumulative quantity of those compensations will nevertheless be “1,900 euros maximum”, specified the administration of the railway group.

The CFDT-Cheminot welcomes “a step forward”

His proposal is the conclusion of a spherical desk “of just over 4 hours” which was held on Wednesday with the 4 consultant commerce union organizations (CGT Cheminots, UNSA Ferroviaire, SUD-Rail and CFDT Cheminots) and within the presence of the CEO Jean-Pierre Farandou.

READ ALSO How the SNCF needs to purchase social peace earlier than the Olympics “We went from 50 euros to 95 euros, so there is actually progress,” Thomas Cavel, CFDT-Cheminots basic secretary, welcomed to AFP, with out commenting on the result of the deliberate session of the members. The draft settlement offers for “the creation of fixed-term contracts and the possibility of perpetuating precarious jobs”, additional welcomed the consultant of the CFDT who needs “the Olympic Games to be a lever for social progress”.

The administration's supply “contains advances that UNSA-Ferroviaire was making”, additionally welcomed its secretary basic, Fabrice Charrière, contacted by AFP. “Our federal office will position itself before June 4 on whether or not to sign the agreement,” he added. SUD-Rail and CFDT Cheminots additionally introduced that they might seek the advice of their members, with out commenting on the proposals.

“Unbearable” strike

This remaining negotiation assembly was held the day after a well-attended strike in Île-de-France, supposed to weigh on the negotiations, the slowness of which was denounced by sure unions.

READ ALSO Railway staff, air visitors controllers, RATP… The huge heist earlier than the OlympicsMinister Delegate for Transport Patrice Vergriete was delighted that the negotiations “resulted this evening in a balanced proposal for an agreement to recognize the exceptional commitment expected from railway workers during the Olympics”, hoping for a signature “of a majority – or even of the whole – of the unions”. “I nonetheless remain convinced that the strike we experienced yesterday (Tuesday) in no way contributed to this favorable outcome. And even that it has harmed the interests and image of the company and its employees among the French,” added the minister, in a press release to AFP.

The political class, significantly on the appropriate and the far proper, denounced an “unbearable” strike on Tuesday, initiated by “privileged” folks, attacking the SNCF unions.

Up to 2,500 euros at RATP

At RATP, negotiations have been accomplished since mid-May. The mobilized brokers will obtain on common 1,000 euros gross per 30 days and the bonus might go as much as 2,500 euros for sure metro and RER drivers.

Unlike the Paris Transport Authority, which negotiated career by career, the SNCF defends having opted for a single bonus widespread to all brokers “in the interests of fairness”. Police officers and gendarmes working in Île-de-France in the course of the competitions will obtain 1,900 euros.

“This summer, the level of rail traffic will be higher than that of a normal summer (on average +15% in Île-de-France),” recollects the SNCF. The public group expects to move “10 million spectators and up to 15 million French and international visitors expected”, by mobilizing “4,500 additional trains in Île-de-France, or 300 more trains every day”.