When questioned by Ribera, Montserrat avoids clarifying whether or not the PP will agree with the intense proper in Europe | Spain | EUROtoday

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The solely head to head deliberate between the PSOE and PP candidates didn’t serve to make clear the massive query of the European elections that can be held on June 9. The head of the favored listing, Dolors Monserrat, has averted answering the socialist Teresa Ribera if her get together will agree in Europe with Vox and has evaded the query concerning the agreements with the intense proper: “If we win the elections we are going to lead the policies in the European Parliament”, he defended in a generic manner whereas insisting that the PP is a “Europeanist and reformist” get together. “We are going to put the PP program first,” confused the favored MEP, with out ruling out, subsequently, an eventual settlement. “Is the right going to continue surrendering to the other right? Do we want more Europe or are we going to look back?”, Ribera charged from the primary minute within the debate, broadcast on La Sexta.

The first electoral debate has revealed the completely different methods of each events for the electoral occasion: whereas the PP has recovered the amnesty and the pacts of the PSOE with Junts, which had parked within the Catalan elections, the socialists search to activate their voters with worry to the PP's pacts with the intense proper, as they already did on 23-J, whereas defending the inexperienced agenda and social justice. In a dialogue of usually reasonable tone and with out disqualifications or insults, the socialist Teresa Ribera and the favored Dolors Montserrat have additionally clashed over immigration insurance policies and the popularity of the State of Palestine.

The socialist candidate celebrated this Wednesday's announcement that Spain will acknowledge the Palestinian State on May 28 together with Norway and Ireland to thus “do justice to a terrible situation.” “We must restore international order in Gaza and that requires the recognition of Palestine, the two-state solution, the recognition that no excuse can be offered for violating human rights. Of course, we must fight against terrorist groups and free the hostages,” stated Ribera. “They have skipped the agreement and consensus of the Spanish Parliament,” Monserrat replied, ignoring that Congress agreed in 2014, when the PP ruled with an absolute majority, to induce the Executive to acknowledge the 2 States, together with that of Palestine. “You have done the recognition of Palestine alone and you have done it to cover up the corruption of the Government,” the PP candidate has reproached.

The consultant of the PSOE has additionally defended the management at origin of irregular migration and that or not it’s bolstered bilaterally and likewise on the European degree and on the identical time “solidarity” within the reception of migrants. And for this she has highlighted the case of the Canary Islands, the place the PP co-governs with the Canary Coalition and is encountering rejection or resistance from the communities the place PP and Vox govern to forestall a extra equitable distribution of unaccompanied minor migrants. The Government and the Canary Islands have agreed on the obligatory distribution of migrant minors to different communities, which might imply the distribution between territories of two,500 kids for foster care. “Once again they embrace the xenophobic discourse of his partners, Feijóo spoke in the Catalonia campaign about foreigners and squatters. “They copied Vox's speech,” Ribera confused. “What we say is that the squatter is evicted, and the repeat foreigner is expelled,” Monserrat countered, being very harsh in his immigration discourse. “Anyone who comes to commit a crime will be expelled,” he insisted. The PP candidate has defended the “fight against mafias” and the “reinforcement of borders” as insurance policies in opposition to irregular immigration, whereas she has opted for “legal and orderly” immigration.

Faced with accusations of training “climate dogmatism,” Ribera has urged the PP candidate to “stop deceiving people.” “This Government has been the one that has dedicated the most resources to agriculture since the beginning of democracy, with 4,000 million euros in the most difficult years during the covid, the energy crisis, the drought resulting from climate change as well. This Government, in 2021, managed to increase the allocation for the CAP to 47,000 million euros, something that the Government of Mariano Rajoy did not achieve in the negotiation of the CAP in 2013,” Ribera claimed while Monserrat made constant allusions to farmers. and fishermen and accused him of “attacking the countryside” and “criminalizing” the first sector. “It is enough to contrast agriculture with the green agenda,” continued Ribera, who has reproached the PP candidate for not renouncing the “mantra” championed by the intense proper “against the 2030 Agenda,” the third vp has reproached and Minister of Ecological Transition, who aspires to a commissioner place within the European Commission associated to the Environment or Energy.

The face to face, which began at 10:45 p.m. and lasted until after midnight, also addressed housing policy. For Ribera it is “the big problem at the moment in Europe, particularly for young people.” “I just want a European housing plan, a search for solutions to rental housing prices with a public pact,” emphasized the PSOE candidate, who has criticized that the autonomous communities of the Popular Party and Vox have decided not to apply the rent cap “or they sell the homes and the public housing pact to vulture funds.” For her part, the PP candidate has proposed that young people be exempt from paying taxes for the first five years of their working career in order to save for access to housing. Regarding fiscal policy, Ribera highlighted that the PSOE proposes creating a European tax on large fortunes, as it has already done in Spain. The socialists have also included in their electoral program a tribute to the banks for their extraordinary benefits. Montserrat has proposed reducing VAT on meat and fish to face inflation.

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For her part, the PP candidate has hit the PSOE candidate with the amnesty, which her party marginalized in the Catalan campaign. Several times she has brought up Montserrat the measure of grace during the European debate, despite the fact that the PP, in the campaign for Catalan women that she herself directed, put aside criticism of the measure for the Catalan independentists. Tonight, however, the popular candidate has insisted on questioning the grace measure. “We must not normalize the fact that Spain has handed over governability to a fugitive by seven votes,” he criticized in reference to Carles Puigdemont (Junts), whom he also highlighted that the European Parliament is investigating his links with Putin, “Europe's greatest enemy.” ”. The PP has recovered the amnesty as a campaign for the European elections in June because it is a mobilizing element of its electorate, as recognized in the party, although in the Catalan elections it was sidelined by the high support it attracts in the society of Catalonia.

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