How to restart the monetary dialogue between China and Europe | EUROtoday

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It shouldn’t be the time to shut ourselves off, however reasonably to deepen mutual data, a needed step if we wish to channel monetary investments and, specifically, financial savings, into the actual financial system.” This is the invitation of Giovanni Tria, economist, former Treasury Minister, tireless builder of legal structures and tools for dialogue between different worlds in the summary speech of the panel on Financial Markets between Europe and China in which, exceptionally, representatives of Chinese financial institutions.


The reform push by the Beijing authorities on foreign investments, including financial ones, seven years ago encountered various obstacles, from the pandemic to the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, to geopolitical tensions with the ecological and digital transitions.

We need to get this process moving again, finance can play a fundamental role in maintaining ties, designing international trade policies and rules, guaranteeing the flow of capital from one side of the globe to the other.

China, as is known, is sitting on a treasure, that 45% savings rate compared to GDP. Western banks and insurance companies are struggling to enter the Chinese financial market or are limiting themselves because there is a problem of trust.

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But the problem of trust “might be overcome with mutual data, figuring out that the systemic distances are many and really vital”, underlined Tria.