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The Government research “alternatives” to resume the CGPJ with out the PP after 2,000 days of blockade

The General Council of the Judiciary, which ought to have been renewed in December 2018, completes 2,000 days of expired mandate this Sunday. The PSOE has taken benefit of such a spherical determine to criticize the PP's veto in the course of the European election marketing campaign and simply on the day that Alberto Núñez Feijóo's occasion has referred to as an illustration towards the Government within the middle of Madrid.

“This is the most illegal behavior, most contrary to the Constitution and the European Commission that the PP has ever carried out, which aspires or has aspired to be an alternative government,” criticized Félix Bolaños, emphasizing that it was the PP that requested At the tip of final yr the mediation in Brussels to unblock the negotiations with the PSOE.

“That they are paralyzing a State power such as the Judiciary because they simply understand that it suits them is unacceptable. These 2,000 days must serve for us to reflect, so that we are aware that it is not possible for the PP to continue with this blockade,” emphasized the Minister of the Presidency, who hopes that the body will be renewed “soon” and “urgently.” of government of the judges, with a conservative majority, “and let us return institutional normality to a State power such as the Judiciary.”

“If the PP insists on blocking and hijacking State power, obviously we will have to look for alternatives so that this blockade does not extend indefinitely, as the PP seems to want,” he warned with out specifying what system the PP would go for. Government.