Flock of chickens terrorises residents of sleepy city | UK | News | EUROtoday

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An “out of control” flock of chickens has began terrorising residents of a sleepy English city.

Approximately 100 feral fowl have descended on Snettisham, a small inland city close to the Norfolk coast.

Residents have stated the birds strolled in from a close-by wooden and have since unleashed “hell”.

They have complained of their gardens being torn aside and being stored up at night time by cruel clucking.

And, to make issues worse, folks visiting to see the birds have reportedly blazed a path of which rats are actually taking benefit.

Locals have complained that folks have visited the city to see its new inhabitants and that, whereas there, they’ve fed the chickens.

They added that discarded meals has attracted rats, inflicting rising hostility between residents and vacationers.

The former group has now raised the matter with the parish council, members of which have stated they’ve noticed some “quite sizeable” vermin.

Speaking to The Guardian, native parish councillor Rod Mackenzie dubbed the invading chickens “a pain in the butt”.

He stated: “If they come into your garden they dig everything up. It’s not just food for the chickens, it’s every bit of detritus they can find and that brings rats.

“What was it someone left the other week? A quart of pink prawns. The rats are quite sizeable around here and they breed like hell.”

Snettisham parish council noted in a recent meeting that members of the public had thrown “all kinds of meals down for the chickens”.

The minutes added that the rodent problem was “probably a well being hazard”.

While the chickens have gotten a hot-button native situation, authorities haven’t been capable of take away them from the general public.

Officials are but to find who owns the land from which the group has come, and the council is now taking specialist recommendation and session about what to do subsequent.
