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Marie Toussaint and Manon Aubry denounce the positions of the intense proper on immigration

Marion Maréchal (Reconquest!), whose favourite topic is immigration, then denounced the “migratory laxity”, which, based on her, embody “Mr Glucksmann, the left in general and Mrme von der Leyen. “The very concrete consequences, just in recent days, of this policy are, in Lyon, a man who attacked three people with a knife”within the metro, notably took the far-right candidate for instance, denouncing the hyperlink which, based on her, exists between “ the explosion of insecurity in our country » and immigration. The latter is favorable to a “naval military blockade in the Mediterranean”.

The environmentalist candidate, Marie Toussaint, denounced the racism of Mme Marshal, believing that she had spilled “so much brutality and hatred that she needs to speak like a machine gun.” “We do not judge people based on where they come from, but on their actions,” she continued, the left-wing MEP defending specifically the rights of the soil, and including: “ Mr. Bardella, it’s the same, it’s a little more polite, it’s true (…) but it’s the same, it’s white cap and white cap.”

“I’m tired of you pointing the finger at millions of French people”then added Manon Aubry (LFI) to the 2 far-right candidates, Marion Maréchal and Jordan Bardella. ” What are we talking about ? On European migration policy. We are talking about a policy that has transformed our Mediterranean Sea into a cemetery”she continued in particular, estimating that it is “ our duty to honor the right to asylum. » She added to the address of the presidential camp: “If you are that sensitive to the fate of immigrants in the Mediterranean Sea, then also act on the causes: act on global warming which pushes people to leave climatic disasters, act on economic agreements which are unequal”.

Léon Deffontaines (PCF) supported the reception of immigrant populations in Europe, criticizing the shortage of integration coverage based on him. He identified the reversals of the far proper in Italy, pointing to Georgia Meloni who promised zero immigration however as soon as in energy “ today manages to regularize 450,000 undocumented workers. Because in fact, immigration is a social fact and we cannot prevent it. »

Valérie Hayer then declared in particular to Jordan Bardella: “There is a fundamental difference between you and us: you make a systemic link between immigration and delinquency.” As for Marie Toussaint, she accused François-Xavier Bellamy of doing “drop the masks” holding the “same words as Mme Marshal with Mr. Bardella.”