figures for the exercise of French MEPs | EUROtoday

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In the times of the European elections, AFP has produced a compilation of information referring to the exercise of French MEPs and the six heads of outgoing lists.

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Attendance, writing studies, contributions to debates… AFP has compiled information referring to the exercise of French MEPs and the six heads of outgoing lists (Manon Aubry, Jordan Bardella, François-Xavier Bellamy, Raphaël Glucksmann, Valérie Hayer and Marie Toussaint) over the past mandate (2019-2024).

What attendance?

Of the 79 French MEPs elected in 2019, 46 had an attendance fee higher than 90% through the 269 plenary periods the place not less than one nominal vote was recorded.

Renaissance elected officers Dominique Riquet and Sandro Gozi, socialist Sylvie Guillaume and environmentalists Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield and Caroline Roose dominate this rating, with greater than 98% presence.

Conversely, Gilbert Collard (52% attendance), Jean-François Jalkh (64%), Jérôme Rivière (66%) and Maxette Pirbakas (67%), all elected on the National Rally listing in 2019, and Renaissance elected official Sylvie Brunet (74%) presents the worst figures.

Read additionallyJordan Bardella and the RN within the European Parliament: absenteeism, contradictions and lobbie pursuits

Among the heads of the lists for the subsequent election, Valérie Hayer (Renaissance) was essentially the most diligent through the mandate (97%), adopted by François-Xavier Bellamy (LR – 94%), Manon Aubry (LFI – 92% ), Raphaël Glucksmann (PS – 91%) and Marie Toussaint (Ecologists – 90%). Jordan Bardella (RN) is available in final place (81%).

Valérie Hayer, head of the Renaissance list in the European elections, makes a speech in the hemicycle of the European Parliament, April 23, 2024 in Strasbourg
Valérie Hayer, head of the Renaissance listing within the European elections, makes a speech within the hemicycle of the European Parliament, April 23, 2024 in Strasbourg © Frederick Florin, AFP (archives)


MEPs study legislative proposals by modifying and adopting studies in specialised committees, earlier than presenting these texts in plenary session.

In these commissions, “rapporteurs” are elected to arrange these studies and current them in plenary session. “Shadow rapporteurs” are additionally appointed by every political group to barter compromises with the rapporteur.

Among the six heads of the listing, Valérie Hayer is the one who has been the rapporteur the best variety of occasions, 11 occasions. She was additionally designated shadow rapporteur by her group for 5 texts.

Next come Manon Aubry (5 occasions rapporteur, 21 occasions shadow rapporteur) and Marie Toussaint (thrice rapporteur, 19 occasions shadow rapporteur).

Manon Aubry takes part in a vote during a plenary session of the European Parliament, March 12, 2024 in Strasbourg
Manon Aubry takes half in a vote throughout a plenary session of the European Parliament on March 12, 2024 in Strasbourg. © Frederick Florin, AFP (archives)

Raphaël Glucksmann has by no means been appointed rapporteur (however has been shadow rapporteur 5 occasions), as has François-Xavier Bellamy (4 occasions shadow rapporteur), and Jordan Bardella (as soon as shadow rapporteur).

Jordan Bardella (RN) attends a plenary session of the European Parliament on March 12, 2024 in Strasbourg
Jordan Bardella (RN) attends a plenary session of the European Parliament on March 12, 2024 in Strasbourg © FREDERICK FLORIN / AFP/Archives

Of all French MEPs, Younous Omarjee (LFI) has been rapporteur (13 occasions) and shadow rapporteur (251 occasions) essentially the most.

Four MEPs have by no means been rapporteur or shadow rapporteur: Nadine Morano, elected on the Les Républicains listing, and Philippe Olivier, Maxette Pirbakas and Jean-François Jalkh, elected on the National Rally listing.

Contributions to the debates

Among the 79 French MEPs, Manon Aubry is the one who contributed essentially the most to the debates in plenary session, with 185 speeches delivered or written statements.

Two different heads of the listing, François-Xavier Bellamy and Valérie Hayer, are additionally among the many ten French MEPs who participated essentially the most within the debates, with 115 and 106 interventions respectively.

François-Xavier Bellamy (LR) participates in a plenary session of the European Parliament on March 12, 2024 in Strasbourg
François-Xavier Bellamy (LR) participates in a plenary session of the European Parliament on March 12, 2024 in Strasbourg © FREDERICK FLORIN / AFP/Archives

Next come Raphaël Glucksmann (89 interventions), Marie Toussaint (83) and Jordan Bardella (77).

Five French MEPs intervened lower than ten occasions in debates throughout their 5 years in workplace: Renaissance elected official Dominique Riquet (9 occasions), socialist Nora Mebarek (eight occasions), Nadine Morano (LR – 5 occasions), Jean-François Jalkh (RN – as soon as), and Brice Hortefeux (LR, no intervention).

With AFP