Weapons and assist in Kiev on the NATO ministerial. Yes from Finland, Poland and Canada | EUROtoday

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To date, Biden has prevented formal adjustments within the protocols that prohibit such use of its arsenals by Kiev. «Our place doesn’t change – the spokesperson acknowledged once more on Tuesday John Kirby – We don’t encourage or permit assaults outdoors the borders of Ukraine.” Among the most cautious, national security advisor Jake Sullivan. However, Blinken is insisting on revisions, citing the unprecedented front in the war opened by Moscow by amassing weapons and bases close to the borders. According to the Washington Post, Biden is considering at least an authorization for the use of short-range bombs.

Hitting Russia: the front is expanding

The possible American moves come after allies such as France, and more cautiously Germany, have indicated that Kiev can strike in Russia with Western weapons to defend itself, even if divisions remain in the European Union. Britain has already eased restrictions, as have the Baltics. And on May 29, Poland, Finland and Canada were added to the countries that declared not to impose conditions. The Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberglast week called for flexibility.

The Italian position

Giorgia Meloni on May 29 he said: «The question is whether to strike on Russian territory the places from which these missiles which strike the civilian population in Ukraine are launched. I believe it is not necessary. I believe that it is better to strengthen the ability to equip Ukraine with effective anti-aircraft defense systems, work also done in part by Italy with the Samp/T, for example, and that this allows us on the one hand to protect the civilian population in Ukraine, on the other hand not to risk an escalation that would be out of control”.

In Prague Blinken will talk about additional countermeasures: crackdowns on China at stake for its position alongside Putin, which limits the impression of sanctions on Moscow's military-industrial advanced.

In the capital of Moldova, Chisinau, Blinken in the meantime introduced with him what was introduced as a “robust support package” for “energy independence from Eastern sources and for democracy”. The pro-Western president Maia Sandu he seeks re-election in October, together with success in a referendum on EU membership. The White House fears waves of Kremlin interference. The breakaway area of Transnistria, the place Russian troops are already stationed, provides electrical energy to Moldova and Moscow might aspire to annexation.
