“I am a political prisoner” | EUROtoday

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Nach dem Schuldspruch gegen Donald Trump im New Yorker Schweigegeld-Prozess reagieren Anhänger und Gegner des ehemaligen US-Präsidenten mit emotionalen Appellen. Beide Seiten haben dabei die Präsidentenwahlen am 5. November, bei denen der 77-Jährige voraussichtlich als Kandidat der Republikaner antritt, im Blick haben.

Trumps Wahlkampfteam rief zu Spenden auf. „Ich bin ein politischer Gefangener“, hieß es in einer E-Mail des Trump-Teams und auf der Spenden-Webseite des Republikaners. „Ich wurde gerade in einem manipulierten Hexenjagd-Prozess verurteilt: Ich habe nichts falsch gemacht“, hieß es weiter. „Aber mit eurer Unterstützung in diesem Moment der Geschichte werden wir das Weiße Haus zurückgewinnen und Amerika wieder großartig machen.“

Laut dem republikanischen Präsidenten des Repräsentantenhauses, Mike Johnson, wird Trump gegen das „absurde“ Urteil Berufung einlegen. Genau dies kündigten später auch Trumps Anwälte an. Trump werde siegen, sagte Johnson. Heute sei ein beschämender Tag in der amerikanischen Geschichte.

Auch Biden wirbt um Spenden

Amerikas Präsident Joe Biden nutzte die Verurteilung für einen Wahlaufruf und Werbung in eigener Sache. „Es gibt nur einen Weg, Donald Trump aus dem Oval Office herauszuhalten: An den Wahlurnen“, schrieb der 81 Jahre alte Demokrat auf seinem privaten X-Account. „Spenden Sie noch heute für unsere Kampagne.“

Biden's campaign team called Trump a “convicted felon.” “We saw today in New York that no one is above the law. Donald Trump has always mistakenly believed that he would never face consequences for breaking the law for his own personal gain,” they said in a statement. “There is still only one way to remove Donald Trump from the Oval Office: at the ballot box. Convicted felon or not, Trump will be the Republican presidential nominee.” He will likely raise record amounts of money because of the guilty verdict and can then spend that money on the campaign trail. “If you've been waiting for the perfect time to make your first donation to Joe Biden's re-election campaign, today is the day.”

The guilty verdict does not prevent the Republican from running against Biden on November 5.

Republicans remain undeterred

Prominent Republicans and ardent Trump supporters reacted angrily to the New York guilty verdict on all counts. Hardliner Jim Johnson called the verdict a “farce.” The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee spoke of a “biased judge” and an “unfair trial” that only served to hinder Trump in the current presidential election campaign. Trump will be found right in the appeals process.

Trump's son Donald Junior posted several messages on the X platform. One of them was: “Such bullshit!” The Democrats had succeeded in their years-long attempt to turn America into a “third world shithole.” With a view to the date of the presidential election, he warned: “November 5th is our last chance to save it.”

“Lock him up!” Trump opponents additionally flocked to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence.
“Lock him up!” Trump opponents additionally flocked to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence.Chandan Khanna/AFP

Former US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell stated on X: “I've seen enough… Donald Trump has been elected the 47th President of the United States.” Grenell thus helps the conspiracy narrative that Trump really received the 2020 election.

Radical Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene provocatively posted an upside-down US flag on X. This image is utilized by Trump's supporters and in addition performed a task within the assault on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Trump supporters name for violence

The Reuters information company analyzed the reactions on the Trump-affiliated platforms Truth Social, Patriots.Win and Gateway Pundit. “Someone in New York with nothing to lose needs to take care of Merchan,” wrote one commenter on Patriots.Win, referring to Judge Juan Merchan. “Hopefully he gets hit by illegals with a machete,” it stated, alluding to immigrants who entered the nation illegally. One submit on Gateway Pundit stated: “It's time to shoot some leftists. This is not something that can be resolved through elections.”

Many Trump supporters noticed the conviction as proof that the political system was not working. “1,000,000 (armed) men must go to Washington and hang everyone. That's the only solution,” wrote one on Patriots.win. Another added: “Trump should already know he has an army ready to fight and die for him.” Several posts known as for concentrating on Democrats and, in some circumstances, urged taking pictures them.

The shares of Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), which operates the net community “Truth Social,” plummeted after the responsible verdict. The shares fell by 14 %. Trump based the platform after Twitter (now X) and Facebook completely banned him from their platforms after his supporters stormed the Capitol.

Trump was discovered responsible in a New York trial for concealing hush cash funds to a porn actress. It is the primary time within the historical past of the United States {that a} former president has been convicted of against the law.
