“The French are making certain that associations and foundations maintain on, however for the way lengthy? » | EUROtoday

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For associations and foundations, it's the season for common conferences and the finalization of the 2023 accounts. When it comes time to take inventory, we usually say “phew!” » aid in constructions utilizing donations from people: assortment, excluding emergencies and presents (legacy, life insurance coverage), elevated on common by 2.1%, in accordance with the 2023 Novos-France Générosités Generosity Barometer revealed on May thirty first.

Taking into consideration high-profile emergencies (struggle in Ukraine in 2022, earthquakes in Turkey, Syria and Morocco in 2023), progress is proscribed to 1.8%. The examine is predicated on figures from 56 of the 148 common curiosity organizations members of France Générosités, beneficiaries of greater than 1 billion euros in donations in 2023.

“Generosity resisted, we expected much worse figures”, reacts Laurence Lepetit, common delegate of this union. Other excellent news for the sector: the share of standard donations by direct debit – Holy Grail of associations – continues to strengthen. They characterize 45% of the gathering, in comparison with 16% in 2004.

Decryption | Article reserved for our subscribers Donations to associations and foundations: the autumn in inflation to the rescue?

Inflation, nonetheless, seems to have hit small donors onerous. “The lowest donations show a marked decline”notes Mme Lepetit, the quantity ensuing from one-off donations of as much as 50 euros thus fell by 8.1%. More usually, it observes a development “concerning”from yr to yr, to the focus of donations on fewer, wealthier, older donors.

Like 2020 with Covid-19 and 2022 with the struggle in Ukraine, 2023 is marked by the load of donations responding to publicized emergencies (4.4% of the overall assortment). Emergencies which have, for instance, generated document donations in 2023 for Secours Islamique France (+ 12%). “The earthquakes strongly mobilized our donors, but also the crisis in Gaza, and this will continue in 2024”explains Samir Majdoub, communications director.

“Scissor effect”

“Emergencies come one after the other – visible, media crises, and more silent ones, like hunger in Sudanadds Layla Dalifard, deputy director of collection for Médecins sans frontières France. Over the past five years, the share of publicized emergencies in annual collections has been close to 5%. It is too early to say that it is structural but we can no longer speak of an epiphenomenon. »

The sector's relief is generally tinged with fears for the future. “Pressures are increasing on the associative economic model”worries France Générosités, which warns in regards to the“scissor effect” for a lot of constructions. The little progress “doesn’t compensate for inflation, exponential wants and the decline in public funding. The French are preserving associations and foundations going, however for the way lengthy? »asks Nadège Rodrigues, director of research for the union.

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