European elections 2024: Sánchez criticizes Milei in opposition to the “far-right international”: “They call us left-handed, as if it were derogatory. We are very proud” | EUROtoday

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Javier Milei has been the protagonist of the speech that Pedro Sánchez gave this Saturday in Valladolid throughout his speech at a marketing campaign rally for the European elections of June 9. “Now they call us left-handed, as if it were a derogatory term to be left-handed. We are very proud to be progressive people,” mentioned the President of the Government of Spain concerning the time period utilized by his Argentine counterpart to confer with individuals of socialist ideology.

In his speech, the final secretary of the PSOE has identified that it’s with the left hand with which his social gathering has “built the Welfare State”, “achieved 140,000 million euros to reindustrialize our economy, grow and create jobs” and with which they’re “fighting for a world of peace in Ukraine and Palestine.”

“Ten years ago, Europe staggered as a result of the scissors of the men in black. Imagine that those men in black return with their scissors and are joined by the chainsaw of the far-right people,” Sánchez added in a brand new implicit allusion to the president of Argentina, who within the electoral marketing campaign during which he was elected brandished mentioned instrument whereas saying “the caste trembles.” “The vote decides whether there is a progressive majority or a majority of the far-right international at the head of the community institutions,” the Spanish president harassed.

To which he added: “On this occasion it is so clear what we are at stake… Here we are either with social justice or we are with Milei. Either we are with peace or we are with [Bejamin] Netanyahu. Either we are with feminism or we are with [Santiago] Abascal. Either we are with fair play or we are with [Alberto Nez] Beans.”

In parallel, the PSOE has launched a video during which it contains the picture of the president in entrance of the Casa Rosada with the aforementioned chainsaw whereas a voice in off female, with out naming it, refers to “someone who goes around saying” that the socialists are “the lefties.” “And I'm sure you think it's a great idea. Yes, I'm left-handed, of course I am. Left-handed, no, very left-handed, because with this hand, with my left, I'm going to vote for equal rights and for a more Europe.” united; to attain peace in Ukraine and Palestine; for a feminist and inexperienced Europe; to defend public well being and coexistence; and for schooling for all,” he adds.

Also the candidate in the June 9 elections, Teresa Ribera, has resorted to an “Argentinianism” at this Saturday's rally to affirm that “the time has come to offer a ticket to the intense proper and the best and do it beginning with Europe.” and stop at the polls “those that don’t wish to know something about ladies aside from in order that they’re tied to the bedpost.” Furthermore, he has warned the PP that, “sadly, when the intense proper is institutionalized, normalized and cheered, the intense proper proliferates”: “And we’re going to cease it.”

“We have it straightforward this time, the leitmotif Even Isabel Daz Ayuso understands about these elections: both the chainsaw or solidarity,” the Minister of Transport, Scar Puente, concluded. “There are those that choose the chainsaw, there are those that imagine that their factor is to chop again, that taxes are theft; There are those that imagine that restoration, transformation and resilience funds (…) are going into pointless debt. Those who imagine it ought to elect [Dolors] Montserrat and the intense proper that accompanies her,” he added in reference to the pinnacle of the listing of standard.