Emmanuel Macron, asset or handicap for his camp within the European elections? | EUROtoday

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” Alright. » This Friday, May 24, Emmanuel Macron, returning from New Caledonia, comments in two short and dry words on the new leaflet for the European elections of June 9 that was sent to him ” out of courtesy “ the campaign team. The delivery of the posters showing, in the foreground, Gabriel Attal, all smiles, alongside the head of the presidential camp list, Valérie Hayer, in front of a forest of European flags, is already underway.

Also learn the evaluation | Article reserved for our subscribers Europeans: what occurred to Macronist voters?

Emmanuel Macron doesn't let something present. But the top of state who, in personal, calls his younger prime minister “ the phenomenon “, has enough to nourish a form of bitterness. On the ground, activists are delighted to receive the new leaflets which no longer contain the presidential face. Gabriel Attal, 35 years old, “a big, big odds”, will get carried away by Jérôme Berthier, accountable for the Renaissance des Yvelines departmental mobilization. Leaflets bearing the prime minister's picture are flowing like hotcakes within the markets, relieving activists, exhausted by the hostility they’ve endured for weeks. “As soon as we hand out a leaflet with Emmanuel Macron’s face, we are thrown away by “Ah no, not him!” laments an activist from the Ile-de-France area who refuses to present his title.

In 2019, through the earlier European election, the picture and phrases of Emmanuel Macron helped to mobilize pro-European voters. This time, the omnipresence of the top of state doesn’t cease the ballot bleeding from the presidential camp. The main speech on the Sorbonne delivered by Emmanuel Macron on April 25 had no notable impact on public opinion. No greater than his interviews given to There Tribune Sunday (May 5), to magazines SHE (May 7) or at The Express (May 22).

The carrying away of energy

“Until recently, Emmanuel Macron appeared as a brand with the effect of a miracle solution that made it possible to transfer notoriety and popularity to its unknown candidates. Today, its symbolic capital seems exhausted: the transfer is broken,” observes Raphaël Llorca, knowledgeable related to the Jean Jaurès Foundation and writer of The Macron model (ed. L’aube, 2021).

The head of state will get aggravated and thunders, from Dresden, Germany : “Let’s wake up! » The ace. Presidential cries of alarm against “bad winds” of the intense proper in Europe stay in useless. Useless. And maybe counterproductive, analysts level out. “Emmanuel Macron is the solution but also the problem. He can remobilize part of his electorate. But also revives the sanction vote”underlines Frédéric Dabi, director of the Ifop polling institute.

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