in Paris, towards anti-Semitism, dozens of personalities are mobilizing | EUROtoday

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HAS 7 p.m., this Monday, June 3, boulevard Saint-Denis, dozens and dozens of Parisians are patiently ready to have the ability to move by means of the doorways of the Antoine theater. “It’s bad,” whispers a girl as she passes. For good purpose, the efficiency corridor internet hosting a night organized by the literary journal Rules of the Game entitled “Europe against anti-Semitism” is already packed. “There are still a few seats left in paradise,” says Bernard-Henri Lévy in his capability as conductor of the night, mentioning the final empty seats on the balconies.

Evening replace

Every night from 6 p.m.

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Thus, greater than 800 individuals got here to attend this unprecedented gathering within the face of “the existential crisis, the existential threat” for Europe, as Bernard-Henri Lévy says: the explosion of anti-Semitism on the Old Continent.

“Europe once again on the brink of the abyss”

Within this theater which is greater than 150 years outdated, a big safety system patrols the premises and meticulously searches the contributors. It should be stated that the visitors are prestigious: from Yaël Braun-Pivet to Gérard Larcher, together with Anne Hidalgo, Patrick Bruel, Caroline Fourest, Manuel Valls, Jean-Michel Blanquer, Yvan Attal and Haïm Korsia, amongst others, dozens of political figures, philosophers, artists and intellectuals communicate through the night.

From the beginning, the tone is ready by Bernard-Henry Lévy, who, for greater than twenty minutes, explains how “Europe is today once again on the edge of the abyss”: “What makes Europe is once again on the edge of the abyss, it is this unimaginable phenomenon for a man or woman of my generation and, I believe, for subsequent generations, which is this devastating return of hatred of the Jews. » In fact, in 2023, 1,676 anti-Semitic acts were recorded by the Ministry of the Interior and the Jewish Community Protection Service (SPCJ), an explosion of 1,000% in one year. Three-quarters of these acts were committed after the Hamas terrorist attacks of October 7.

READ ALSO “In every generation of Jews, there are anti-Semites, but Judaism always survives”However, this hatred of Jews “has taken on new and extremely violent forms in recent months,” factors out the thinker and founding father of the journal. Rules of the Game, earlier than including that this explosion of anti-Semitism is “not because of the war waged by Israel on Hamas, this hatred began before the Israeli response. From October 8, the first signs, and perhaps the most devastating, were denounced. »

An irrational hatred that kills

During the evening, many chilling testimonies were delivered by the guests. “April 19, 2024. Hello Jewish whore. What a shame your plane didn't get scratched. But when they hit the gas again, it must have probably spoken to you. Yippee rot. In fact, we're going to finish the job of 45. Eliminate the Jewish vermin. We have progressed in technique. We have not forgotten you, nor your family either,” reads softly the President of the National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet. These strains are taken from one of many many demise threats she has obtained in latest months. Because that’s what we’re speaking about this night. The visceral hatred of Jews, what the thinker Jean-Claude Milner calls “the Judeophobia of passion”, which threatens their existence in France and in Europe.

READ ALSO On anti-Semitism in AmericaAn irrational hatred, incomprehensible for Patrick Bruel, current on the Antoine theater. “How could it have come to this again? […] For what ? I'm serious, can anyone answer this question? For what ? No, no answer. Mind you, I understand, I don't see a valid one. » An absurd hatred, which makes the writer and rabbi Delphine Horvilleur say: “The Jew will always be the one we accuse of what we want to get rid of. […] I am ready to bet with you that tomorrow, faced with the environmental crisis, you will see that Jews will be accused of polluting too much or recycling poorly. And if animal species were to disappear, for example, zebras, we would say, convinced, that it was the fault of the Hebrews. »

READ ALSO Israel-Palestine, a past that does not go awayThis evening is also an opportunity for Gérard Larcher, President of the Senate, to reflect on his visit to the “devastated and lifeless” kibbutz of Kfar Aza. “Cruelty is always exercised on the same victims,” he says. “One can disagree with the policy of the Israeli government, that is my case, but accusing the attacked state of being the aggressor is a moral fault. »

For her part, the writer Christine Angot insists that “mouldy France is back”, whereas the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo laments “an anti-Semitism which is becoming commonplace”. “One day, the Jews were murdered, killed, denied their dignity as human beings, because, quite simply, they were Jews. And it is this same phenomenon, this same principle which prevails in these attacks, in these insults, in these anti-Semitic acts that we see today developing here in France, here in Paris, everywhere in Europe. And should we say nothing? »

LFI and the “arsonists of souls”

Throughout the night, the audio system take turns calling on French political figures, and particularly candidates for the European elections, to mobilize towards anti-Semitism. “We are meeting this evening to tell the respectable candidates in this European election that there should be no more essential subject to take head on than this,” says Bernard-Henri Lévy. In Europe, “the most infamous vituperations are being heard,” he regrets. The psychoanalyst Julia Kristeva, widow of Philippe Sollers, additionally calls out to the heads of the checklist: “Ladies and gentlemen future deputies, do you hear this trivialization of anti-Semitism? […] Ladies and gentlemen future deputies, we cannot hear you on anti-Semitism. But we are here to wake you up. »

READ ALSO Why LFI MP David Guiraud loves Palestine so much“Incendiaries of souls […] who speak like anti-Semites” for Bernard-Henri Lévy, “useful idiots of totalitarian monsters” for Caroline Fourest: the various speakers do not lack formulas to qualify the current positions of La France insoumise, accused on all sides of minimizing the anti-Semitism in France, or even fanning the embers of violence. During the European elections, Yonathan Arfi, president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (Crif), calls, “for the honor of Europe”, to defeat the list of La France insoumise, “which sacrificed the Jews for some voices.”

This Monday, on the Antoine theater, some voices will nevertheless have introduced a bit hope, just like the chief rabbi of France Haïm Korsia, who concluded his speech thus: “In the end, it is always the good guys who win. And, if the good guys don't win, it's not the end yet. So, as Guillaume Apollinaire said: “The twilights will never conquer the dawns. Let us be surprised by the evenings but live by the mornings.” »