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In Lorient, Valérie Hayer recollects the advantages of the European Union, 4 days earlier than the election

During a gathering in Lorient this Wednesday night, the top of the presidential camp's record, Valérie Hayer, tried to make a hyperlink between the Landings, the commemorations of which start tomorrow, and the present scenario in Europe. “This June 9, 1944 marked the first day of the rest of the life of Europe. (…) And after the surrender of May 8, 1945, European construction could finally get underway, an irrepressible movement for freedom, for the union of “never again”she declared, in entrance of almost 300 individuals.

Focusing on demonstrating the advantages of the European Union, Valérie Hayer recalled that “For eighty years we’ve got been experiencing an unprecedented second within the millennial historical past of our continent: the truce of arms and divisions. The peace “. “The best example of this peace is the Franco-German miracle driving European construction, the recovery plan [pendant la crise sanitaire] »she underlined from Lorient, where the former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense Jean-Yves Le Drian was in particular.

Returning then to the current situation, Mme Hayer lamented that “this building of peace [soit] threatened by chaos engineers. A threat that has become even more acute since February 2022” and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. “Ukraine can lose the war, let’s not accept it. For their European values, for our country, they cannot lose the war”supported Mme Hayer. Before defending Emmanuel Macron's record in Europe. For the president of the Renew group in Parliament, “this conflict has opened the eyes of European countries to what we have been carrying for months: the need to strengthen European defense”. But in order to get out “excessive dependence on the United States military umbrella”Valérie Hayer calls for “invest, produce and innovate”including the establishment “a fund of 100 billion to support our European defense industries”.

During this speech, she then targeted her main opponent throughout this campaign, the National Rally of Jordan Bardella. “Even as they have been complacent towards Vladimir Putin's regime, they proclaim themselves patriots, and declare that the threat from Russia is multidimensional. What hypocrisy! », she attacked. Four days before the election, she recalled the record of the far-right party in the European Parliament on the Russian question: “Never a vote in support of Ukraine, never a vote in sanction of Russia, never a vote, except at the time of his death, of support for the opponent Alexeï Navalny”in one of his final attempts to scratch the head of the far-right list, which continues to dominate the polls.