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Feijóo: “If you think that a rally applauded by your own people serves to save explanations, it doesn't work”

Alberto Núñez Feijóo has as soon as once more centered a part of his intervention on Pedro Sánchez's spouse, Begoña Gómez, and has referred to the PSOE electoral occasion this Wednesday in Benalmádena, the place the President of the Government attended together with her. “If they think that a rally applauded by their own people serves to save explanations, it doesn't work,” mentioned the chief of the PP, who has used the marketing campaign slogan to proceed his assaults.

“Our vote is the answer to the questions that he does not want to answer, to the letters of recommendation that were written in La Moncloa for public funds that are decided in La Moncloa. After everything we have endured these six years, how can we not endure a downpour,” continued the head of the opposition when the storm was already flooding the Plaza de Callao, where some PP supporters were taking shelter under the flags of Europe and Spain.

The Popular Party has chosen the center of Madrid to give the penultimate push to the European election campaign. The president of the Community, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, preceded Feijóo, and pulled Madrid's muscle to call for mobilization this Sunday. “This brave Madrid, this is the spirit we want to bring to Spain. Nothing has been decided, we have to go vote and obtain a large majority,” said Ayuso, who has asked for the vote to tell Sánchez that “his project” has its “days numbered”, among posters of the PSOE candidate, Teresa Ribera, installed on the posts in the Plaza de Callao.

The mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, for his part, has appealed to the useful vote. “The Gran Vía is the perfect metaphor for what the Popular Party wants, a wide avenue where people of all ideologies go, who coexist while being different, exactly the opposite of Mr. Sánchez,” mentioned the mayor, with the Gran Vía. head on. And he has despatched a veiled message to the Vox citizens, whom he has described as “friends of Le Pen” who “do not believe in a strong Europe.” “The only one that believes in a strong Europe and a strong Spain is the Popular Party,” he thought of.