The choose of the 'Begoa Gómez case' defends himself earlier than Sánchez and says that no legislation requires paralyzing instruction within the electoral marketing campaign | EUROtoday

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The choose investigating Begoa Gómez issued a decision this Thursday by which he defends himself towards the assaults obtained since he cited the spouse of the President of the Government as being investigated for affect peddling and corruption in enterprise.

Among them, that of Pedro Sánchez himself, who thought-about “strange” that the Justice of the Peace Juan Carlos Peinado I’d point out it throughout the marketing campaign for the Europeans. “Usually, the unwritten rule has been followed of not issuing resolutions that could condition the normal development of an electoral campaign and, therefore, the vote of citizens. In this case, it is evident that this practice has not been respected,” Sánchez wrote in his letter to the citizen.

“This instructor,” responds the choose, “does not know any precept of the Spanish Constitution, nor of the Organic Law of the Judicial Power, nor of the Law of Criminal Procedure, nor of the Organic Law of the General Electoral Regime or of any other “legislation that forestalls persevering with the momentum of any ongoing instruction.”

The owner of the Court of Instruction Number 41 de Madrid adds that the custom, in reference to the word used by Sánchez, is applicable only “in case of absence of legislation.”

And he concludes by indicating that he also has no news that “the zone electoral board or the provincial electoral board” has communicated that “not one of the individuals who as much as this second have been summoned as witnesses or investigated have been proclaimed within the present electoral course of.” .


The magistrate includes this response in the ruling whose objective is to actually agree to take a statement from the key businessman as a witness, Juan Carlos Barrabsfrom the hospital where he is admitted due to his recent health problems.

Barrabas was the one who got the wife of the president of the Government to sign letters of recommendation to obtain contracts from the public company The businessman had previously helped Gómez in his professional career.

The judge asks the 12 de Octubre Hospital to inform him of “the times and hours of the week between June 17 and 23 by which mentioned investigative process will be carried out.”

It specifies that the witness statement will have the character of pre-constituted evidence, that is, it may be brought to the eventual trial in the event that Barabbas' health prevents him from giving a statement at that oral hearing.

The judge already agreed this week to transfer to Sunday, June 16, the witness statements of executives when the contracts under investigation were awarded. The postponement occurred at the request of Gómez's lawyer, Antonio Camacho, who had prior commitments on the initially scheduled date. Specifically, the trial of in the case of Numaria against Imanol Arias and Ana Duato. The judge resolved it taking advantage of the fact that on Sunday he will surely have no other indications and the magistrate is on duty.

The witnesses cited are the CEO of, David Cierco; the former general director of Alberto Martnez Lacambra; the economist and lawyer of Innova Next SL Luis Antonio Martin Bernardos; the director of the legal department at, Ignacio Espejo Saavedra Hernandez; y Luis Prieto Cuerdodirector of Economy of

These testimonies were scheduled for this Thursday, but were changed because Begoa Gmez's lawyer, Antonio Camachocould not attend since he has to participate in the trial of Cash at the National Court.