Video. Emmanuel Macron declares the sale of Mirage 2000-5 to Ukraine | EUROtoday

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On the eve of receiving Volodymyr Zelensky on the Elysée, the President of the Republic affirmed throughout this interview that the 2 leaders intend to launch “a new cooperation” between the 2 international locations. He notably introduced the sale of Mirage 2000-5 to kyiv, “which are French combat planes which will allow Ukraine to protect its soil, its airspace”with out specifying the variety of these units.

“Starting tomorrow, we will launch a pilot training and transfer program for these planes”, in order that they are often educated by the tip of the yr, he stated. The head of state additionally indicated that he would suggest “to coach 4,500 Ukrainian troopers (…), to equip them, to coach them ».

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