Begoa Gómez, Carles Puigdemont and Benjamin Netanyahu lead a European debate with nice pressure when speaking about migration | EUROtoday

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Nine candidates, 4 thematic blocks, three languages ​​utilized by the protagonists…. all for a 9-person debate on RTVE of the European marketing campaign with correct names. It took just some seconds for the amnesty to come back up and Carles Puigdemont. Less than a minute the identify of Begoa Gmezlady of Pedro Sanchezand all the time planning the struggle between Israel y Hamscon Netanyahu as a throwaway identify. There had been makes an attempt, many, a number of, to open the main target to the difficulty of agriculture, taxes, languages… however these European elections have their very own names in Spain. Amnesty and the Begoa Gmez caseas a declare for the energy of some – the Catalans – and as ammunition for an assault towards the Government for others.

“There is nothing more undemocratic than handing over the equality of all Spaniards to a fugitive from Justice. Defending the rule of law is defending judicial independence. You have pointed the finger at the judges,” he stated. Sorrows Montserrat (PP) to Teresa Ribera (PSOE). “Europe is not a place where criminals are amnestied to invest a president,” he stated. Jordi Caas (Cs).

“When I arrived in Europe they asked me with great concern and anxiety about Catalonia. Now they don't, now they ask me with great concern about the extreme right and the inclination of the right to the extreme right,” he defended himself. Ribera, additionally utilizing Begoa Gómez as a political battering ram. “I deeply regret that the entire PP program focuses on a false complaint from a far-right group called Clean hands“.

“The amnesty will allow Carles Puigdemont and Toni Comn to come to Spain very soon,” he said. Alex Sarri, consultant of Junts+, as a result of Comón couldn’t come to Spain as he was on the run from Justice. “Our votes have led the State to approve an amnesty, which is the State that asks for forgiveness.” The Catalan events took benefit of the main target to demand independence. “We Catalans want to be the 28th State,” stated Sarri. “We are the only candidacy that can defend stateless nations. We will ask that the right to self-determination be recognized throughout the EU,” he said. Diana Riba (Now Republics).

The candidates pose before the debate.

The candidates pose earlier than the controversy.Kiko HuescaEFE

The consultant of the formation led by Carles Puigdemont had a scuffle with Jorge Buxad (Vox) when this picture of Carles Puigdemont's “casepln” “20 kilometers from Brussels.” “The reality is that Puigdemont, a fugitive, coup leader, who has committed crimes against Spaniards, has been in Brussels for five years and it has not helped that the PP and the PSOE are a coalition.” “The UE he hasn't done anything. “He has failed us,” remarked the candidate for Vox, who has called for a “robust patriotic vote in order that within the subsequent legislature we carry Puigdemont to be tried by Spaniards.” Sarri responded by saying that Puigdemont's house “will not be paid for with public cash” and has called Buxad a “Francoist.”

He was not the only one who addressed Vox like this. “I wished to say one thing to the fascists: you had been based with one million euros from Iran, one other of the foundations that participated in its promotion has members of the Putinist oligarchy,” he said. Irene Montero (We can).

A block, the first, monopolized by national issues when the topic was 'Model of Europe: objectives and challenges'.

Israel's bombings in Gaza were the main topic. Irene Montero ( Podemos) was very harsh, demanding that the PSOE break relations with Israel, criticizing Albares's announcement to support the procedure of the International Court of Justice to stop the Israeli offensive on Gaza, but saying that Spain is not taking part. And he asked Ribera to say whether or not there was a genocide.

“Genocide is within the debate,” said the socialist candidate, who along with the Sumar candidate, Estrella Galincluded Netanyahu as one of Vox's 'friends', along with “the Dutch ultras, the German excessive proper, StreamsItaly -in reference to Melons“We want to see Netanyahu sitting in the dock and tried for war crimes,” Galn argued.

Vox, all through the controversy, targeted on launching its message that PSOE and P vote collectively in Europa 90% of the time, to distinguish themselves from fashionable. And he had a tense second with the candidate summer time when she identified that in latest days there had been “two attempted murders of her people” dedicated in Spain, referring, for instance, to the assembly between drug traffickers that ended with a transparent shot on the freeway that ended with the dying of Borja Villacs. “What an outrage!” “This is overkill,” Buxad complained.

Kiko HuescaEFE

And the controversy was rising in depth and reached one in every of its peaks when addressing the difficulty of migration. A controversial matter that modified the dynamics of the occasion. If till then the PSOE candidate, Ribera, was the main target of criticism, the beam of sunshine then pointed to Buxad (Vox). If every part occurred extra in direction of particular person monologues than interplay, the candidates overtly questioned one another.

“There is a direct relationship between illegal immigration and crime,” said the Vox candidate, lighting the fuse of the controversy. “That is racism. Don't say it because that is racism. It violates human rights,” replied Montero, who once more described him as “fascist.” “I'm going to have to remind you that you have freed rapists and sexual offenders,” Buxad counterattacked. “You have people accused of sexist violence on your lists,” you aren’t intimidated by that of We can. Ribera additionally spoke: “Xenphobic language that links migration with crime is not admissible. It is not true.”

“I have been working on human rights for 25 years and the only threat that Europe has is you. Fascism, the extreme right,” mirrored Galn, who has been basic director of the Spanish Commission for Refugee Assistance (CEAR). “Women do not need to be defended, much less parties like yours,” stated Riba, addressing the Vox consultant. “What we need is for parties like yours to let us make the policies we need.” The representatives of the PSOE and Sumar took benefit of the difficulty to discredit Montserrat's speech that the PP has had within the final electoral occasions, particularly in Cataloniaconcerning migration.

“We are the only ones who distinguish between illegal and legal immigration. And to protect the legal ones, that distinction must be established,” Buxad defended himself.