Who is Noa Argamani, the woman kidnapped on a motorcycle by Hamas final October seventh | EUROtoday

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Among the hostages freed on 8 June 2024 by the Israeli military, there may be Noa Argamani, 25 years outdated who appeared in a video on 7 October whereas Hamas terrorists took her away on motorbikes amid her screams: “Don't kill me ”. Those images became the symbol of the Islamic faction's attack.
More recently she had seen herself in another Hamas propaganda video. Her mother Liora, seriously ill with cancer, had launched a desperate appeal to be able to hug her again.

Noa's mother is a cancer patient

Noa Argamani was kidnapped last October at the “Supernova” rave in the Negev desert. The student had become one of the best-known faces of the crisis – which does not end today with her release, together with three other people – after the release of the video in which she was taken away by Hamas on the back seat of a motorcycle, torn from her hands of boyfriend. A ten-second clip in which the girl is seen in tears.
Noa's mother is an oncology patient with a brain tumor. Her greatest wish in recent months has been to live long enough to see her daughter home again. Today the images of Noa's embrace with her father Yaakov were released.

The other hostages freed today are Almog Meir, 21 years old, while Andrey Kozlov is 27 and Shlomi Ziv is 40. They were all taken by Hamas on October 7 at the Nova Festival. They are released after 8 months.

The first words of Noa libera

“I'm very excited, I haven't spoken Hebrew in so long.” These are the first words that Noa Argamani uttered in the conversation she had with the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after its liberation from Gaza. “Not for a minute,” Netanyahu responded, “did we stop thinking about you and we didn't give up. I don't know if you believed it but we didn't give up.”

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