Participation in Spain within the European elections falls at six within the afternoon (38.2%) greater than eleven factors in comparison with 2019 | EUROtoday

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Participation, at 6 p.m., in Spain within the elections to the European Parliament that shall be held this Sunday fell 11.22 factors in comparison with the earlier ones, which have been held in 2019. At that point the participation right this moment stood at 38.22%, when at 6 p.m. in 2019 it was 49.44%.

The decline in participation is generalized in all territories, though it stands out in Catalonia, Extremadura, Ceuta and Melilla, the place it exceeds 15%.

Before, at 2 p.m., participation in Spain within the European Parliament elections being held this Sunday dropped nearly seven share factors in comparison with the earlier ones, which have been held in 2019. At that point, participation stood at 28 right this moment. 01%, when at 2 p.m. in 2019 a was recorded 34,74%, which represents a lower of 6.73 factors. It should be taken under consideration that on that event, municipal elections and in some autonomous communities have been held, together with the European elections.

The Secretary of State for Communication, Francesc Valls, and the Undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior, Susana Crisstomo, additionally recalled in an look earlier than the media that the participation this Sunday is larger than what was at 2 p.m. within the European elections. 2014, 2009 and 2004 (23.84%, 24.10% and 24.56, respectively).

Until midday, this Sunday, the lower in participation in Estremadura, the place it’s round 11 factors. They additionally recorded related drops Catalonia, Navarra, Castilla la Mancha and the autonomous cities of Ceuta y Melilla.

On the opposite, Madrid is the autonomous group the place there’s a smaller lower, adopted by Asturias. In any case, it fell in all communities and autonomous cities.