Russia's sarcasm on the European vote: «Macron and Scholz deserved to lose» | EUROtoday

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They deserve it. One of the primary reactions to the end result of the European vote got here from Valentina Matvienko, the highly effective chief of the Federation Council – the Upper House of the Russian Parliament. Naturally in Moscow every thing that’s most helpful to the Kremlin is emphasised with nice satisfaction in its marketing campaign in opposition to that a part of Europe lined up behind Ukraine.

«The crushing defeat of Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz – declared Matvienko, quoted by the Ria Novosti company – confirms their inconsistency as politicians, each nationwide and European». A deserved end result, the results of the numerous years by which “the real needs of the people, of society, were ignored”, renouncing sovereignty to hold out Washington's orders. “It seems that the dangerous virus of illegitimacy is starting to spread across the European continent,” says the president of the Russian Senate.

In Europe, events near Russia are triumphing

According to the impartial Russian web site The Bell, the shift of the EU heart of gravity to the fitting is not going to seriously change, for now, the road of EU international coverage, «however for Vladimir Putin it is a very optimistic end result: in Europe the events that collaborate carefully or they collaborated with Moscow. One approach or one other, this may have an effect on the divisions within the coalition supporting Ukraine.”

Following Valentina Matvienko, Duma President Vjaceslav Volodin also commented on the European elections on his Telegram channel, focusing on the outcome in France and Germany. Where President Macron and Chancellor Scholz “are clinging to energy with all their would possibly”. “This is the collapse of Macron's policy,” writes Volodin, according to whom the results in France and Germany were predictable. «The stagnating economy, the migrant crisis – is his analysis –: in countries that, contrary to their national interests, are dragged into the war in Ukraine». According to the president of the Russian Duma, Macron and Scholz should “spontaneously supply their resignations and cease making enjoyable of residents”.

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Macron in the crosshairs

Macron in particular is in the sights of commentators hosted by Russian state agencies: among European leaders, the French president is the most determined to raise the level of involvement in the support offered to Kiev. Galvanized by the progress of the vote in France, Rodion Miroshnik – representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry and former ambassador to Moscow from Luhansk, one of the occupied Ukrainian regions – spoke to the Rossiya 24 TV channel about Macron's «co-responsibility» «in the crimes committed by Kiev.” Miroshkin defines as “totally admissible” the speculation of prosecuting the French president, “who in an attempt to indulge his Napoleonic ambitions is trying to provoke an escalation in the territory and towards Russia”. Miroshkin regrets that the “dysfunctional and rudimentary” International Tribunal in The Hague is unlikely to assist examine the French president.