Dissolution of the National Assembly: “Heads, Macron wins, tails, the RN wins” | EUROtoday

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On the entrance web page of the press this Monday, June 10, reactions to Emmanuel Macron's resolution to dissolve the National Assembly, after the victory of the National Rally within the European elections. The European proper, on the rise, stays the primary pressure within the Strasbourg Parliament, regardless of the surge of the far proper.

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On the entrance web page of the press, Emmanuel Macron's resolution to dissolve the National Assembly, after the victory of the National Rally within the European elections. The President of the Republic says he needs to provide the French a voice once more: to The cross, “this outcome does not lack perspective, but places (France) in front of the abyss, as the (RN) approaches this new deadline from a position of strength”. A bolt from the blue” : Le Parisien/Today in France sees in the historic score of the National Rally “the failure of the strategy led by Emmanuel Macron since 2017, of “me or chaos””. A failure to which he responds with a “presidential poker” move which leaves the newspaper quite skeptical: “Do we reply to a failed wager with one other wager, like a on line casino participant satisfied to “remake himself” after having misplaced massive?”

For Le Figaro“the surge” RN is a “last sanction” reflecting “a violent exasperation” vis-à-vis Emmanuel Macron, who chooses to respond by taking “the chance of going hara-kiri to avoid wasting what he keep “. Release speaks of an “extreme gamble” within the face of the historic breakthrough of the far proper. According to Libé, “the most likely consequence (of this bet) is to see the RN enter Matignon before the opening of the Olympic Games” – the “Macronian bet” maybe consisting of proving earlier than the following presidential election “l “the inability of the RN to resolve the problems of the French”, hoping “that after having tried it for two years at the head of government, the voters will give up sending the extreme right to the Élysée”. Extreme bet or “crazy bet”? Humanity accuses Emmanuel Macron of “playing with matches” by taking the risk of “giving the keys to France to the RN”. The newspaper, which calls for a “surge” from the left, affirms that the president “hopes to bypass all his opponents, and the left in the first place, to wrest the majority from the French, paralyzed by the fear of an RN victory.” which they refused him in 2022″. “Heads, I win; tails, Le Pen wins,” Macron primarily informed voters.

In tune with the French press, the Lebanese newspaper The Orient By Day evokes “a poker game”, and a dissolution introduced “to everyone's surprise”. In the USA, The New York Times notes that Emmanuel Macron's resolution comes on the eve of the Paris Olympic Games, opening “a period of deep political uncertainty in France”. For the newspaper, the chance that the RN “repeats its European performance in the legislative elections” dangers making the nation “almost ungovernable”, with a president “confronted with a Parliament hostile to everything he believes in”. The Olympics being eclipsed by the “clouds of a political storm”, that is additionally the priority of Guardian, the British every day, which warns that “beyond (political questions) lies the question of security, in a context of fear of a resurgence of the terrorist threat and the fallout from wars in the Middle East and in Ukraine”. Beyond, once more, rapid safety questions, The Financial Timesone other British every day, explains that the anticipated legislative elections in France will in the end be “more important for the future direction of the European Union than the European elections” themselves, which have definitely “shifted EU policy to the right, but not yet decisively.

The European right, on the rise, remains the main force in the Strasbourg parliament. The Spanish newspaper El País announces that the pro-Europeans retain the majority, despite the “tremors” caused by the extreme right in France, but also in Germany, where the AfD comes in second position, ahead of Chancellor Olaf Scholz's SPD. The EPP wins the vote, and the European Conservatives and Reformists, dominated by Giorgia Meloni's Fratelli d'Italia as well as the Identity and Democracy group led by Marine Le Pen's RN, are making progress, but The eveningthe Belgian daily, says it is waiting to see “if their nice intentions of rapprochement are shattered, as prior to now, by their deep variations, specifically on the perspective in the direction of Russia”.

La Repubblica, the Italian newspaper, evokes a “right-wing avalanche” on the EU and an “avalanche” of the right of the right in France and Germany, presented until then as “the locomotives of Europe”: “Yesterday, this practice has stopped, blocking your complete strategy of strengthening the Union,” the newspaper writes. “The Europeans are sanctioning Europe”: for the conservative American every day Wall Street Journal, the Eurosceptics' push “does not mean that Europeans do not want the European Union, but that they want an EU that serves them better” – a European Union “that solves urgent problems”, beginning with that of immigration, in response to the newspaper, which maintains that these outcomes “resemble more a normal democratic policy than the descent into fascism evoked by the alarmist elites of the left”. The every day believes that “if this seems strange and unusual for the European Union, it is a sign that the EU deserves the reprimands that voters have addressed to it.”

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