State election in Brandenburg: Wegner on Brandenburg: We want steady circumstances | EUROtoday

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Berlin’s Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) needs for Brandenburg after the state election, a steady authorities made up of centrist events. It is the voters' proper to determine for themselves, stated the CDU politician on the “Kai Wegner on site” dialogue collection on the Berlin Max Planck Institute for Human Development. He requested the folks of Brandenburg “to vote democratically.”

A concrete advice for a celebration was given Wegner under no circumstances – not even for the CDU. “We live together in a region where Berlin and Brandenburg need each other,” he stated. “We are a growth region. We have good economic growth in relation to the federal government. And I believe we can continue on this path together,” stated the Governing Mayor.

Thuringia as a cautionary story

“We have a very, very good cooperation with the state government in Brandenburg, including with the Prime Minister. And I simply hope that Brandenburg will once again have a stable government from the democratic center,” defined the CDU politician.

The election leads to Thuringia made it troublesome to type a authorities there in any respect. It can be troublesome to control Thuringia stably over the following few years. “And I don't want that for Brandenburg.”

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