Michel and Nicolas Barnier, a household waltz between LR and Macronie | EUROtoday

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New Prime Minister Michel Barnier at Necker Hospital for his first official visit since taking office, in Paris, September 7, 2024.

When he took up his quarters at Matignon on September 5, Michel Barnier handed on a couple of private messages. And the day after his appointment, one other Barnier took it upon himself to repeat them virtually phrase for phrase. In an interview ” exclusive ” has Paris Match, The son Nicolas Barnier, 39, got here to mud off the picture slightly ” stuck ” from the daddy, 73 years outdated, quoting his cult movie, The Bronzés go snowboardingdescribing “ special attention ” that he brings to those around him, resurrecting the figure of a grandmother, Denise, “ left-wing Christian » enemy of the “sectarianism”. And added this sentence: “He always fulfilled his role as a father”. More than we think?

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A former law student at Assas, now director of the Ile-de-France Rural Agency, Nicolas Barnier is not a complete stranger to the press group where he spoke. Before joining Valérie Pécresse's teams, where he has been helping rural municipalities in the region set up projects since 2022, He worked for the group of Vincent Bolloré, a captain of industry who was then close to the conservative right. From 2011 to 2017, before the bitter failure of Autolib, the young Barnier was the “VRP” responsible for finding new customers for the electric battery subsidiary Blue Solutions. It was then that he tried to get into politics, like his father.

“He is he, and I am me, Nicolas Barnier dropped out in March 2019 Evening from Brussels, repeating the famous formula of Laurent Fabius. Everyone has their own path and manages it independently and as best they can.. » It's actually a bit more complicated. Asked by The World on his political trajectory, Nicolas Barnier also refers us to… the spin doctor of Matignon, Antoine Lévêque, new strategy and press advisor to the Prime Minister. Barnier senior often interfered in his son's career, to the point that the relations between the new head of government and certain Macronist bigwigs could be read in recent days in the light of what each was able to do, or not, to “Nicolas”.

Some guess he is resentful

The young man's political adventure began in 2009 in the Les Républicains (LR) party, when he became the collaborator of the LR senator of Haut-Rhin Hubert Haenel, then project manager of Jean Bizet, LR senator of Manche. In 2017, after his parenthesis in the private sector within the Bolloré group, Nicolas Barnier observed the Macronist wave that was coming and set his sights on a ” entrepreneur friend “, Grégory Besson-Moreau, future companion of Aurore Bergé. According to him, it was he who convinced him to be elected deputy of Aube against the outgoing LR deputy, the sovereignist Nicolas Dhuicq. “An incredible adventure”based on Nicolas Barnier, who on the finish of a decent marketing campaign turned the parliamentary collaborator of the Macronist elected official within the National Assembly for 3 years.

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