CNN Fact-Checker Spots ‘Most Egregious Example Yet’ Of A Deceptive Trump Ad | EUROtoday

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Dale famous in a thread on the Elon Musk-owned platform how the video “purports to quote the New York Times as writing, ‘Harris is seeking to significantly raise taxes,‘” when the Times’ article really learn, “Harris is seeking to significantly raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans and large corporations.”

The journalist additionally flagged how a CBS News report on Harris vowing to maintain President Joe Biden’s border crackdown was shortened by Trump’s group to say, “Harris vows to keep Biden’s border.”

“This stuff is incredibly obvious when you look up the source of the claims,” mentioned Dale, who has been calling out and correcting Republican nominee Trump’ lies for years. “But most viewers, of course, are not going to look up the source for the claims,” he added.