François Bayrou passes the budgetary stage however settles in a fragile parliamentary stability | EUROtoday

In the play Volponewritten at first of the XVIIe century by the English playwright, pal and rival of Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, the principle character, wealthy and single, pretended to be dying to be courted. There is Volpone at François Bayrou. With his generally awkward remarks, his heavy step, his laborious speech, this manner of getting misplaced in his leaves and turning to his collaborators to fill his reminiscence holes, the successor of Michel Barnier in Matignon, who ” All lights turn off » According to his friend Jean-Louis Bourlanges, against all odds won a first round: France will have a budget and a government on Wednesday evening February 5.
“He succeeded in demonstrating that by making politics, regardless of criticism and mockery, a small path existed”notes the president of the centrist group in the Senate, Hervé Marseille. “Is it Bayrou who is an effective strategist or the socialist celebration which is a pitiful negotiator ?, wonders the chief “rebellious” Manuel Bompard. The fact is undoubtedly between the 2. »»
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