In Lille, Edouard Philippe annoys the “immobility” of the federal government | EUROtoday

Edouard Philippe prefers to see a sentence “Clumsy” relatively than “Mal intentioned”. But this Sunday, March 16, from Lille, from Lille, the place the presidential candidate of 2027 held the second interregional congress of his celebration, Horizons, the annoyance pierces. François Bayrou had, on 1er February, in an interview with La Tribune on Sundayaccused Edouard Philippe of conveying an thought “Antinational” By judging, that the nation was “Condemned to helplessness”because the president of the horizons stated it per week earlier.
“France is too bad in point so that we get upset on the little sentences of those who confuse speeches and action”assault in return Edouard Philippe. “When I say that it will unfortunately not do without decisive in the two years, I do not say it to rejoice it. (…) This is the expression of an indignant lucidity ”helps the mayor of Le Havre (Seine-Maritime), which his kinfolk describe as “Stunned” by the expression of the president Modem.
The geopolitical disaster that torments the world prevents Edouard Philippe from attacking Emmanuel Macron. What can he say about it whereas the motion of the President of the Republic on the worldwide scene, authorised by a majority of French, is in any level in accordance with the proeuropian considered “philippism”? Like Emmanuel Macron, Edouard Philippe denounces the perspective of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, and his entourage “Disintment plutocrats”he stated, who’ve threatened to all of the sudden put an finish to army and monetary help to Ukraine, invaded since 2022 by Russia by Vladimir Putin.
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