He had criticized Trump: denied entry to the USA to a French scientist | EUROtoday

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Be cautious what you say or write about Trump. A French scientist On a mission for the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) was Stuck at Houston airport after which expelled from the United States.

The motive? The border police, Checking his smartphone, he had discovered messages containing criticisms in the direction of the Trump administration.

The disturbing episode (in all probability occurred on March 9) was revealed to the France Presse company by Philippe BaptisteMinister of Higher Education and French Research.

The model of the Baptist Minister

“The measure was apparently taken by the American authorities because the researcher’s phone contained conversations with colleagues and friends in which he expressed a personal opinion on the research policy of the Trump administration,” defined the minister.

“The freedom of opinion, free research and academic freedom These are values ​​that we will continue to support with pride – clarified Baptiste – I will defend the right of all French researchers to be faithful to them, in compliance with the law “.
