In the sneakers of a candidate on the Elysée Palace | EUROtoday
Book. The dissolution occurred on June 9, 2024, didn’t solely trigger a political disaster, it additionally sharpened presidential appetites. From the chief of the nationwide rally, Marine Le Pen, to former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe (2017-2020) or Laurent Wauquiez, deputy of Haute-Loire (Les Républicains), passing by the Minister of the Interior, Bruno Retailleau; Between the declared candidates and people who restructure their events, the candidates to the supreme operate are jostling.
It remains to be needed that they’ve taken the steps permitting them to placed on the gown of presidential. An idea, oscillating between the analysis of the qualities to be presided over and that of successful, that deciphers Christian Le Bart, professor at Sciences Po Rennes, in Presidential? (Pure, 120 pages, 10 euros). A brief and stimulating check that goals “To reflect on the way in which our democratic societies, through the voice of political commentators and the strength of institutions, build presidential »».
For this, the political scientist apprehends this notion and his developments through two dimensions. The first, institutional, is due to the way in which the parties’ inauguration, the sponsorships of elected officials but also the media formulate verdicts in presidentialibility. Skipping these pre -selection mechanisms, the Bart shows the weakening of traditional parties where natural selection – that of the leader – is no longer self -evident. Shaken by dissident candidates and the emergence of “entreprises” (rebellious France or the Republic on the march), the partisan formations sought the parade with the introduction of primaries. At the risk of weakening their role and turning into “Simple competitors referee”.
Forms of legitimacy
Beyond the media soap opera and postures, the political scientist also notes the limits of the system of “Cooptation” by the sponsorships which “Helps to stiffen the boundaries of the political subject”. And recalls about that in 2012 the Jospin Commission suggested citizen sponsorship, more in line with our democratic ideal.
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