Ireland: so a commerce War USA-EU would eat the Celtic tiger | EUROtoday

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A recession with a GDP contraction as much as 3.7% In the following 5-7 years, from 50 thousand to 80 thousand jobs burnedinjury for the financial system estimated in 18.4 billion euroshowever above all of the Generalized escape of multinationals from Celtic tiger After greater than thirty years of fruitful flirtation for each side.

According to current Estimates of the Irish authorities and the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), the “Worst Case” situation of a complete industrial battle between the USA and the EU, with Generalized our bodies of 25% imposed by the White House and Contradizi Equally vindictive by Brussels, it could translate right into a disaster for the island of Smeraldo and for its industrial surplus in direction of Washington.

“Protective insurance policies may push multinationals to maneuver to the United Statesplacing the financial system and Irish public funds much more in danger, “he clarified Paul Eganresponsible for the research of the Economic and Social Research Institute.

Trump threats

Trump has several times threatened to want to repatriate taxes and jobs from Ireland: in his recent Meeting to the White House with the Prime Minister of AIRE, Micheál Martinhe had accused Dublin that he had “taken American corporations away” with his tax policies.

The United States “will not be mistreated on commerce,” stated the Tycoon from the oval research, specifically pointing the index on US pharmaceutical giants that function in Ireland (come Pfizer ed Eli Lilly).