A report on the autonomy of Corsica sows Zizania within the Senate | EUROtoday
Dhe reminiscence of parliamentarian, it’s unprecedented on the Palais du Luxembourg. A date to mark with a white stone: for the primary time within the lengthy historical past of the Senate, the report of an data mission of the Law Commission was buried on March 5, for lack of majority to undertake it. “It’s unreed, a senator is alarmed. In the Senate, we abstain on a report when we do not agree, while waiting for the debate in session. There, we throw in the nettles months of work. »»
At the center of this great first: the information mission on the institutional future of Corsica. By 26 votes to 19, this document was rejected. Only the LRs voted for. This text was supposed to shed light on the debates on the constitutional bill devoting an “autonomy” of the island, by which the G …