André Chassaigne, final incarnation of rural communism and determine of the Palais-Bourbon, leaves the National Assembly | EUROtoday

“I have a very surface rating”claims André Chassaigne, whereas tributes have flocking from all sides for the reason that announcement of his withdrawal from the National Assembly. The communist deputy of Puy-de-Dôme, after twenty-three years of mandate, is making ready to deposit the tricolor scarf, purple on the move, on March 31, to search out that, blue to the move, of assistant to the mayor of Saint-Amant-Roche-Savine, commune of which he was the primary councilor for twenty-seven years. Tuesday, March 25, when he requested his final query to the federal government, it is extremely doubtless that a big a part of the hemicycle pays tribute to him. And André Chassaigne will marvel in regards to the causes for these republican palms.
“It is a monument of the National Assembly, Enthuses Stéphane No (PCF, Seine-Saint-Denis), called to succeed him at the head of the Democratic and Republican left group (GDR). There was a time when deputies with twenty or thirty years of mandate were common but with the new world, it becomes increasingly rare. »» André Chassaigne actually comes from a world where one could – if not had to go through all mandates: municipal councilor in 1977, general councilor in 1979, mayor in 1983, regional councilor in 1998. Only the mandates of European senator and deputy will have escaped him, although he was in good position on the communist list led by Léon Deffontaines during the European elections of 2024.
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